A living conduit of arcane power. Wizards manipulate arcane forces to strike from a distance, disintegrating their enemies to oblivion.

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Offensive StanceDefensive Stance
Upon activation, Critical Hit Chance for Skills is increased by 20% for 2 seconds. After the initail duration ends, the increase is reduced to 10%
Upon activation, all nearby enemies are Stunned for 3 seconds. Your Primary Attacks now reduce the Movement Speed of enemies they hit by 40% (Player Movement Speed is reduced by 20%)

Read more about Stances here


Below you will find a list of skills that are available.
Clicking the + will show Legendary Items that augment the effect of the skill.

Primary Skills

Legendary Essence

  • Force of Harakas (Main Hand): Magic Missile damage increased by 20%.
  • Blaster Cast (Off-Hand): Magic Missile fires two additional missiles each dealing X damage.
  • Stickle Burr (Off-Hand): When Magic Missile deals a Critical Hit, it explodes and deals additional damage to nearby enemies.
  • Volatile Arbiter (Main Hand): Magic Missile triggers an explosion for every 3 magic missiles that hits an Enemy, which causes 1099 damage to the area.

Legendary Essence

  • Electrospike (Main Hand): Electrocute leaps to 3 additional enemies.
  • Charged Stigma (Off-Hand): Electrocute also increases your Primary Attack Speed by 6% for two seconds, stacking up to a maximum of five times.
  • Ebarin’s Visage (Off Hand): Electrocute’s Critical Hits Immobilize enemies for 2 seconds. Cannot occur on the same target more often than once every 3 seconds.

Secondary Skills

Legendary Essence

  • Devastation (Main Hand): Arcane Wind now summons a Tornado that damages enemies in a line. Also increases maximum Arcane Wind charges by 1.
  • Syldra’s Fang (Main Hand:) Arcane Wind can no longer be charged up, and now unleashes an icy wind, damaging and chilling enemies.
  • Unrepentant Gale (Off Hand): Maximum Arcane Wind charges increased by 1.
  • Windshaper (Main Hand): Arcane Wind now summons a Tornado that follows enemies and continually damages all enemies in its path.
  • Galebringer’s Leggings (Legs): Arcane Wind damage increased by 10%.
  • Weathering Eye (Off-Hand): Arcane Wind now also applies a X% reduction to Movement Speed for Y seconds.
  • Thistle Bloom (Main Hand): Arcane Wind now conjures a storm that grows over time, pulling in and damaging nearby enemies.
  • Blustercrux (Main Hand) – Arcane Wind now conjures a wind core at a target location that continually damages and pulls nearby enemies to its center.

Legendary Essence

  • Azkalor’s Fire (Off Hand): Scorch damage increased by 10%.
  • Angmar’s Repulsive Burden (Shoulder): Scorch will now knock enemies away.
  • Crown of Arcane Truths (Head): Scorch now launches an arcane orb that explodes when activated again or when it expires, damaging all nearby enemies. Damage and explosion radius grow as it travels.
  • Memory of Xiaoyu (Head): Scorch now conjures four flaming orbs that orbit around you and explode when they strike enemies, damaging and Burning all nearby enemies.
  • Phoenix Mantle (Shoulder): Scorch radius increased by 20%.
  • Vaetia’s Resourceful Countenance (Head): Scorch now launches an electric orb that stops travelling when it strikes the first enemy, and then continually electrocutes and Stuns nearby enemies.
  • Vision of the Frozen Path (Head): Scorch now launches a frozen orb that continually damages nearby enemies and Chills them.
  • Fireflurry (Head): Scorch now hurls a ball of magma that bursts when it strikes an enemy, creating a pool of magma that Burns and Stuns enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • The Siphon (Off Hand): Casting Lightning Nova temporarily increases your movement speed by 60%.
  • Thunderbird’s Bite (Main Hand): Lightning Nova damage increased by 10%.
  • Ellora’s Fervor (Chest): Lightning Nova now hurls balls of Burning fire.
  • Regalia of the Archmage (Chest): Lightning Nova now hurls balls of Immobilizing arcane energy.
  • Zann Esu Elemental Weave (Chest): Lightning Nova now hurls balls of Chilling ice.
  • Blazing Brunt (Chest): Lightning Nova now creates two novae that orbit you and damage any nearby enemies they hit.
  • Ol’ Rustic (Staff): Lightning Nova also increases your Primary Attack Speed by 30% for three seconds.
  • Rampant and Inscrutable (Chest): Lightning Nova now conjures a lightning orb that orbits you, firing chain lightning at your target when you use your Primary Attack.
  • Soaring Scree (Off-Hand): Allies struck by Lightning Nova gain 30% increased Movement Speed for 1 second.
  • Sprightspark (Chest): Lightning Nova now transfigures you into a ball of pure lightning, allowing you to move at high speed and continually deal damage to any nearby enemies.
  • Coat of the Astrum (Chest): Lightning Nova now unleashes a single, uncontrollable arc that jumps chaotically between enemies, dealing damage to any enemies it touches.
  • Aftershock (Chest): Lightning Nova now releases a shockwave in the surrounding area. Enemies hit will continue to be damaged and briefly stunned.
  • Frenetic Spark (Off Hand): Lightning Nova’s cooldown is reduced by 15%.
  • Coat of Vexation (Chest) – Lightning Nova now targets an enemy with a lightning mark, causing them to repeatedly emit Lightning Novas centered on them.

Legendary Essence

  • Cryomancer’s Helm (Head): Ray of Frost range increased by 20%
  • KynKyn’s Cryoclasp (Chest): Ray of Frost now unleashes a stronger instantaneous beam after a short delay, damaging and freezing all enemies in its path.
  • Robes of the Avalanche (Chest): Ray of Frost now channels a blizzard around you, continually damaging and Chilling nearby enemies.
  • The Enervators (Shoulders): Ray of Frost now creates an ice shield each time it damages an enemy, absorbing X damage and stacking up to 10 times.
  • Waking Invocation (Chest): Ray of Frost now creates an illusion that channels a beam of frost in the targeted direction.
  • Fanciful Finesse (Chest): Ray of Frost now dissipates into a cloud of frost against the first enemy it hits, dealing damage and Chilling all nearby enemies.
  • Hoarfrost Spaulders (Shoulders): Ray of Frost’s Critical Hit Chance is increased by 35% against Frozen enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • Csur’s Fortutious Ward (Shoulder): Teleport now causes you to gain a shield that absorbs X damage.
  • Lyan’s Resonant Wisdom Head: Teleport now conjures a lightning cloud at your destination, dealing X damage to all nearby enemies over 2.5 seconds.
  • Mask of Illusions (Head): Teleport now causes you to become invisible and leave behind a mirror image.
  • Riftdancer’s Stride (Legs): Teleport now targets a location where it also damages all nearby enemies.
  • Time-Warped Cloth (Legs): Teleport can now be recast, transporting you back to your original location.
  • The Perfect Situation (Shoulders): After casting Teleport, your Movement Speed is increased by X%.
  • Crushing Weight (Head): Teleport also increases your damage by 10% for three seconds.
  • Spars of Energy (Shoulders): Generate a charge of Teleport when you defeat an enemy. Cannot occur more often than once every 30 seconds.

Legendary Essence

  • Crystal Guards (Legs): Ice Crystal cooldown decreased by 15%.
  • Frostreaver’s Garments (Chest): Ice Crystal now summons a freezing crystal that inflicts greater damage over time and a stacking Chill.
  • Cold Calculus (Chest): Ice Crystal now protects you inside a block of ice making you Invulnerable. While active the ice block also Chills and damages nearby enemies.
  • Veil of Dross (Head): Ice Crystal duration increased by 30%.

Legendary Essence

  • Entropic Edge (Main Hand): Disintegrate damage increased by 10%.
  • Arcane Intensifiers (Shoulder): Disintegrate will fire a stronger instantaneous beam after a short delay.
  • Chaos Nexus (Legs): Disintegrate channels up to 3 additional beams at nearby enemies, each continually dealing X damage.
  • Kavil’s Grand Revelation (Legs): Enemies killed by Disintegrate will explode, dealing X damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Pads of Protection (Shoulder): Disintegrate now fractures into a short-ranged cone.
  • Rime Mantle (Shoulder:) Enemies killed by Ray of Frost will shatter, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and inflicting Chill.
  • Searing Judgement (Shoulder): Disintegrate now channels Fire, Burning enemies for additional damage over time.
  • Scourcut (Main Hand): Disintegrate range increased by X%.
  • Greaves of the Firmament (Pants): Disintegrate deals additional damage every 3 hits.
  • Pernicious Assistant (Shoulders): Disintegrate now creates an illusion that channels a beam of pure energy in the targeted direction.
  • Barbs of Annihilation (Shoulders): Disintegrate releases a sphere of energy that attacks enemies in range and dissolves their amor.
  • Hastened Oblivion (Pants): Disintegrate cooldown is reduced by 1 second, up to a maximum of 3 seconds, when damaging enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • Chaos Rupture Off (Hand): Black Hole instead conjures an unstable star which explodes when it expires, damaging and Stunning nearby enemies.
  • Devouring Void Off (Hand): Black Hole moves forward a short distance, pulling in and damaging enemies as it travels.
  • Negation Blade Main (Hand): Black Hole also absorbs nearby enemy projectiles.
  • Cowl of the Abyss (Head): Black Hole radius increased by 20%.
  • Silver Lining (Head): Black Hole now devours the power of enemies caught within it, increasing the damage you deal by 2%, up to a maximum of 10%, for 2 seconds.
  • Wildermask (Head) – Black Hole’s cooldown is reduced by 15%.

Legendary Essence

  • Frostwalkers (Legs): Meteor now summons an icy meteor, dealing damage and covering the area with ice that deals additional damage and Chills enemies.
  • Starcaller’s Breeches (Legs): Meteor now continually damages enemies in an area, but no longer stuns.
  • Starcaller’s Drapery (Chest:) Meteor radius increased by 20%.
  • Shoulders of the Cataclysm (Shoulder): Meteor damage increased by 10%.
  • Impact Event (Legs): Meteor now continuously calls down smaller meteors that damage enemies in the area.
  • Thunderous Applause (Pants): Meteor now calls down a meteor shower that follows you, damaging and Burning enemies, but it no longer Stuns.
  • Dead Star Striders (Pants) – Meteor now targets an enemy with a star mark, causing meteorites to crash down on their location.
  • Stag of Ill Omen (Shoulders) – After casting Meteor, your damage is increased by 10% for 3 seconds.

Legendary Essence

  • Heart of the Storm Off (Hand): Ice Armor becomes Storm Armor, continually damaging nearby enemies.
  • Icon of Synchronicity Off (Hand): Ice Armor now also grants damage absorption to your nearby allies.
  • Winter’s Eye Off (Hand:) Ice Armor no longer absorbs damage, instead conjuring an ice storm around you that continually damages and Chills nearby enemies.
  • Heart of the Frozen North (Chest): While Ice Armor is active, enemies attacking you are afflicted with 40% Chill for 2 seconds.
  • Galebrinde (Shoulders): Ice Armor also causes your Primary Attacks to decrease enemy Movement Speed by 40% for three seconds.
  • Crustclaw (Shoulders): Ice Armor now also reduces the amount of continual damage you take by 40%.
  • Bluster Bauble (Off-Hand): Ice Armor now conjures a violent storm around you dealing damage to nearby enemies but no longer absorbs damage.
  • Iceblood Reliquary (Offhand) – Ice Armor now targets an enemy with a frost mark that damages the target and nearby enemies, causing a stacking Chill effect.

Legendary Essence

  • The Aimless One (Main Hand): Arcane Torrent now launches missiles at random enemies around you.
  • Ninety-Nine Wild Arcana (Pants): Arcane Torrent damage increased by X%.
  • Novel Castigation (Pants): Arcane Torrent also fires tracking missiles that seek out enemies, dealing damage.
  • Riftcarver (Main Hand): Arcane Torrent now creates a chaotic orb that moves with you and fires arcane missiles at random nearby enemies.
  • The Medley (Pants): Whenever Arcane Torrent hits an enemy 4 times, they will take an additional burst of damage.

Legendary Essence

  • The Loom (Head): Slow Time now generates a darkened realm, disabling the use of skills and basic attacks and greatly reducing the vision of any enemies inside the realm.
  • Tomorrow’s Silhouette (Head): Your Slow Time now follows you.
  • Nick of Time (Main Hand): Slow Time radius increased by 20%.
  • Lost Seconds (Main Hand): Slow Time cooldown decreased by 15%.
  • Manipulator’s Mask (Helm): Slow Time now releases a temporal ring that expands out from your location, Incapacitating enemies struck by the ring for a few seconds or until they take damage.
  • Ephemeral Visage (Helm): Slow Time now increases your Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and the rate at which skill area effects and continual damage resolve.

Legendary Essence

  • Frostbound (Pants): Frostfield now also shatters enemy armor, increasing the damage they take by 10% for 5 seconds.

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