
A manipulator of life and death. The priests of Rathma use their powers over life and death to preserve balance in Sanctuary.

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Offensive StanceDefensive Stance
Upon activation, you and your Summons’ Attack speeds are increased by 20% for 3 seconds. After the initail duration ends, the increase is reduced to 10%
Upon activation, quickly move forward 5 yeads. Movement Speed is now increased by 10%.

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Below you will find a list of skills that are available.
Clicking the + will show Legendary Items that augment the effect of the skill.

Primary Skills

Legendary Essence

  • Baleful Trinity (Off Hand) – Soulfire now bounces to 1 additional target, but deals 30% decreased damage to subsequent targets.
  • Spite-Fetor (Off-Hand): Soulfire now has a 25% chance to explode on hit, dealing damage to nearby enemies and causing them to Burn.

Legendary Essence

  • Blight Maw (Main Hand) – Bone Spear also poisons enemies hit for X damage over 3 seconds.
  • Ramshackle Scythe (Main Hand): Bone Spear has a 50% chance to launch a larger penetrating bone spear that deals additional damage.
  • Wicked Husker (Main Hand): Bone Spear destroys enemy armor, increasing Critical Damage dealt within 2 seconds by 20%.

Secondary Skills

Legendary Essence

  • Piercehammer (Main Hand) – Command Skeletons damage increased by 10%.
  • Life in Balance (Off Hand) – 10% of all damage you take is taken by your skeletal champions instead.
  • The Prong (Off Hand) – Decreases time required to raise new skeletal champions by 30%
  • Coals for Eyes (Head) – Command Skeletons now causes your skeletal champions to explode at their destination, damaging all nearby enemies.
  • Crown of the Gilded Leash (Head) – Command Skeletons now raises a single powerful skeletal captain that can be ordered to whirlwind at a location.
  • Mirrorictus (Head) – Your skeletal champions are replaced with skeletal archers.
  • No Rest, No Peace (Main Hand): When Command Skeletons die, they grant nearby allies 20% increased Attack Speed for 3 seconds.
  • Putrid Onslaught (Helm): Command Skeletons summons rotting zombies, damaging and slowing nearby enemies.
  • Blinding Storm (Head) – Command Skeletons now summons the Stormrider Legion, who automatically teleport to and damage enemies with lightning.

Legendary Essence

  • Gilded Nightmare (Pants) – If a target is killed within X seconds of being struck by Grim Scythe, it will inflict Y damage to all nearby enemies and cause them to flee in Fear for Z seconds.
  • Hissing Skin (Pants): Grim Scythe now increases all damage you deal by X% for each enemy hit, up to Y%, for Z seconds.
  • Ebb and Leak (Head): Grim Scythe deals X% increased damage for every 1% of the target’s missing Life, up to a maximum of Y%.
  • Grave Cutter (Main Hand): Grim Scythe now slices enemies in front of you several times, with the final swing inflicting a Bleed.
  • Ravening Silence (Pants): Grim Scythe now triggers all continual damage on the targets it hits, causing them to instantly take the remaining damage.
  • Wraithstitch Trews (Pants): Grim Scythe now also Chills enemies to the bone, reducing their Attack and Movement Speed by 30% for 3 seconds.
  • Gatefysk Helm (Head): Grim Scythe now also slices through the enemy’s armor, increasing damage taken by 10% for 3 seconds.
  • Craving-Bay (Main Hand): Grim Scythe now empowers you with Grim Calling, causing your Primary Attacks to unleash slashing scythes when they hit enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • Clotburst : Main HandCorpse Explosion damage increased by 10%
  • Lone Preserver : Shoulder – Corpse Explosion now also inflicts a stacking Chill which can Freeze enemies when stacked.
  • Rotspur : Shoulder – Corpse Explosion no longer detonates corpses, causing them instead to release blight on the area that poisons enemies for continual damage.
  • Surge and Stillness (Shoulder) – Corpse Explosion now also causes corpses to pull themselves toward the nearest enemy before exploding.
  • They Rest Everywhere (Chest) – Corpse Explosion radius increased by 20%.
  • Tremulous Boil (Shoulders): Corpse Explosion now also detonates the Fear of targeted enemies, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • The Maloccluse (head) – Bone Spikes now creates pulsating bone spikes in a targeted location that continually damage enemies in the area.
  • Chasm-Crosser (Shoulder) – Bone Spikes range increased by 20%
  • Hideous Dawning (Head) – Bone Spikes now also causes enemies to bleed for additional damage, but no longer Stuns them.
  • No-Mouth Face (Head) – Bone Spikes no longer charges up and instead immediately summons three forward-moving spikes that knock enemies away.
  • Adjudicator’s Cage (Chest): Bone Spirits damage increased by 35% to Feared enemies.
  • Soul Levee (Off-Hand): Bone Spirits now instantly unleashes many spirits, but no longer consumes energy to maintain the effect.
  • Natural Petrification (Shoulders): Bone Spikes now also reduces the Movement Speed of any enemies it hits by 40% for 4 seconds.

Legendary Essence

  • Simulacrator (Main Hand) – Wraith Form now also leaves an effigy behind that forces nearby enemies to attack it and then explodes for x damage.
  • Gallowsborn (Chest) – Generate corpses as you move during Wraith Form.
  • Proximal Fear (Legs) – Wraith Form now causes enemies you touch to flee in Fear and damages them.
  • Pitiless Pace (Legs): Wraith Form now teleports you to a target location.
  • Revenant Wind (Main Hand): Wraith Form now calls forth spirits to haunt up to W nearby enemies, dealing X damage over Y seconds, while reducing their Movement Speed by Z%.
  • Strange Sojourn (Pants): Wraith Form now quickly transports you to your target. Upon arrival, you deal damage and Fear all nearby enemies.
  • Stroke of Midnight (Main Hand): Wraith Form cooldown is reduced by 0.5 second each time you are hit. Cooldown cannot be reduced by more than 1.5 seconds maximum.
  • Wondrous Underworld (Chest): Wraith Form now also conjures two wraiths in random directions.

Legendary Essence

  • Executive Discontent (Shoulders) – Increases all damage you deal by X% for each Skeletal Mage you have active.
  • Synod’s Anointing (Shoulders) -Skeletal Mage maximum charges increased by 1.
  • Welcome End (Off Hand) – Skeletal Mage now summons a powerful grim reaper, but has a longer cooldown.
  • Skullveil (Head) – Skeletal Mage duration increased by 20%.
  • Ziroco (Shoulder) – Skeletal Mage damage increased by 10%.
  • Vesperguard (Off-Hand): Skeletal Mage now shoots continuous rays at enemies.
  • Twin Vestige (Off-Hand): Skeletal Mages now have a chance to be empowered, immediately casting a Bone Spell when summoned.
  • Black Cavalcade (Shoulders): Skeletal Mage damage is increased by 5% each time they defeat an enemy, up to a maximum of 30%.
  • Vizjerei Coffin Lid (Off-Hand): Skeletal Mage now summons a dark magus that unleashes Hungering Soulfire at nearby enemies.
  • Festering Wounds (Shoulders): Skeletal Mage damage is increased by 8% up to 32%, for each different damage effect active on the enemy.
  • Crest of the Skyfallen (Offhand) – Skeletal Mage now summons Thunder Mages that attack with chain lightning.
  • Calcified Celerity (Shoulders) – Skeletal Mages strike faster with successive attacks, increasing their Attack Speed up to 20%.

Legendary Essence

  • Pyre’s Allure (Off Hand) – Bone Wall can now be ignited with soulfire, dealing X damage over 8 seconds to nearby enemies.
  • Ever-Grasping Vestments (Chest) – Bone Wall now summons a line of skeletal soldiers that charge forward in formation, damaging and knocking back enemies.
  • Exhumant’s Backbone (Chest) – Bone Wall instead summons a pillar of rotting corpses that knocks targets into the air, damaging them, and then Slows all nearby enemies.
  • Sacral Chausses (Legs) – Bone Wall duration increased by 25%
  • The Inviting Tomb (Chest) – Bone Wall now creates a circular wall of bones that traps targets within it, but no longer has multiple charges.
  • Scurrying Ruin (Shoulders): Bone Wall now causes you to dash forward, dealing damage to enemies in your path, while conjuring walls of bone behind you.
  • Filth Spurns Squalor (Chest): Bone Wall now places a larger ethereal wall that continually damages enemies within and reduces their Movement Speed.
  • Cage of Chum (Chest): Bone Wall now conjures a veil of darkness that continually deals damage and generates corpses from enemies passing through.
  • Bloodless Hierophant (Chest): Bone Wall now conjures the Altar of the Dead, increasing your damage while you remain within the area.
  • Cemetery Gaits (Pants): Bone Wall now also protects nearby summons, reducing the damage they take from monsters by 20% and players by 70%.

Legendary Essence

  • Ten-Thorn (Off Hand) – Corpse Lance now collects the summoned projectile around you, until you activate Corpse Lance again to fire them all in a direction
  • RozhinRozhin’s Keening (Legs) – Corpse Lance damage increased by 10%
  • One-Armed Devourer (Off-Hand) – Corpse Lance now consumes nearby corpses to form a lance storm in the targeted area. The power of the storm is increased by the number of consumed corpses.
  • Studied Menace (Head): Corpse Lance now causes enemies to decay, dealing X damage for Y seconds.
  • Emperor of Worms (Head): Corpse Lance now also reduces the Movement Speed of any enemies it strikes and Immobilizes any enemy hit by a lance 4 times for 3 seconds.
  • Silvered Wings (Off-Hand): Corpse Lance now consumes nearby corpses to empower your Primary Attack for 5 seconds. While empowered, your Primary Attacks will also launch a penetrating lance that deals increased damage for each corpse you consumed.
  • Lower Creed (Off Hand): Corpse Lance no longer targets enemies, and instead now summons more lances from each corpse that seek out random enemies.
  • Medic’s Sheath (Helm): When Corpse Lance attacks an enemy, it has a 7% chance to generate a corpse.

Legendary Essence

  • Covet Nothing (Chest) – Bone Armor now also damages nearby enemies when activated and increases their damage taken for a short time.
  • Flickering Warmth (Chest) – Bone Armor instead summons three bone spikes that orbit you and damage and enemies they strike.
  • Gravedirt’s Weight (Shoulder) – Bone Armor now also grants immunity to all effects which knock you out of your position.
  • Graven Bulwark (Legs) – Bone Armor duration increased by 25%
  • Parting Gift (Chest) – Bone Armor now grants you and all nearby party members charges of damage immunity, each of which prevents all damage from a single hit.
  • Siltstrider (Chest) – Bone Armor now deals continual damage to targeted enemies and produces corpses once the effect ends.
  • Cloak of Quills (Chest): Bone Armor now causes your summons to continuously damage nearby enemies, but no longer protects them.
  • Shared Service (Shoulders): Bone Armor now reduces all continuous damage you take by X%.
  • Nocbrodd Skulls (Shoulders): Bone Armor also increases Primary Attack Speed by 15%.
  • Frigid Repose (Chest): Bone Armor applies as cloak of frost to you and your summons, damaging and chilling nearby enemies.
  • Undying Malice (Pants): When active, Bone Armor also increases critical hit rate by 20%.
  • Stormcaller’s Bones (Chest) – Bone Armor now generates a pulse that wreathes your summons in lightning, causing them to form electric links between one another that damage enemies.
  • Final Preparation (Pants) – Bone Armor’s cooldown is reduced by 15%.
  • Plattespauld (Shoulders): Bone Armor increases Movement Speed by 30% while active.

Legendary Essence

  • Guided by Maggots (Legs) – Dark Curse no longer decreases enemy vision, instead causing your minions within the area to frenzy, increasing their attack and movement speeds.
  • Linger-Mantle (Shoulder) – Dark Curse duration increased by 30%
  • Mournful Destroyer (Legs) – Dark Curse now curses the ground in an area, causing enemies within it to take continual damage.
  • Soulchime (Legs) – Dark Curse now causes enemies to explode on death, but no longer decreases enemy vision.
  • Voiceless Scream (Shoulders): Enemies afflicted with Dark Curse now generate an additional corpse when defeated.
  • Draff Cryptic (Pants): Dark Curse now casts a dark rune in an area that explodes after a short delay, damaging enemies and removing a beneficial effect from them.
  • Fulsome Feeding (Pants): Dark Curse now creates a miasma that follows you, damaging nearby enemies and continually generating corpses.
  • None Elude (Chest): Enemies affected by your Dark Curse are weakened, increasing your Critical Hit Chance against them by 10%.

Legendary Essence

  • Communal Rib (Main Hand) – Bone Spirits has a X% chance to inflict Fear on enemies lasting Y seconds. Cannot Fear the same target more often than once every Z seconds.
  • Eel Tongue (Main Hand) – Bone Spirits damage increased by 10%
  • Arc of Misery (Main Hand): Bone Spirits now bounces whenever it hits a wall.

Legendary Essence

  • Accounting for Weakness (Main Hand) – Command Golem now summons a skeletal golem that consumes and gains power from all nearby corpses, and which damages all enemies in its path as it leaps.
  • Beacon of the Led (Off Hand) – Command Golem damage increased by 10%
  • Desolatoria (Main Hand) – Command Golem now summons a molten golem that continually Burns all nearby enemies instead of forcing them to attack it or Stunning them.
  • Dominance from Dust (Off Hand) – Your bone golem will split into two smaller bone golems when it dies.
  • Priest’s Grubknife (Main Hand) – Command Golem now summons a stone golem that throws boulders at enemies and rolls through enemies instead of leaping.
  • Visitant’s Sign (Head) – Command Golem duration increased by 20%
  • Greathelm of Deflection (Head): Your Command Golem is now linked to you, equally splitting the duration of harmful effects between the both of you.
  • Crest of Rheum (Head): Command Golem now also sacrifices 10% of your current Life to increase your golem’s damage by 15%.
  • Dead Keen (Off-Hand): Command Golem now also deals 10% additional damage to enemies for each harmful effect they suffer from, up to a maximum of 40%.
  • Pleasant Venom (Main Hand): Command Golem now summons a poison golem that can leap to a target location to unleash a blastwave of corrosive acid, damaging nearby enemies and causing them to take additional damage.
  • Mortuart (Horns Helm): Command Golem’s presence bolsters the power of your nearby summons, increasing the damage they deal by 10% as long as they remain near the golem.
  • Corrosive Slab (Off Hand): Command Golem applies a vulnerability effect to surrounding enemies, increasing the damage they receive by 8%.
  • Thunderhead Crook (Main Hand) – Command Golem now summons a Fulgur Golem that deals lightning damage.

Legendary Essence

  • Flame of Forever (Shoulders): Borrowed Time now also increases the damage and Critical Hit Chance of the target by 5%. This effect is doubled during the duration of the curse if the target is slain.

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