Mount Zavain

Boss List:

  • Ancient Nightmare: The Ancient Nightmare spawns every Wednesday and Friday at 12:00, 20:30, and 22:00 server time. Ancient Nightmare will spawn with an impenetrable shield, that can only be lowered buy activating an altar with a Zakarum Sigil when its near.
  • Lord Martanos: Spawned by touching the altar in Martanos’s Tomb every 30min after being defeated. (drops Zakarum Sigils)
  • The Devoted: Purple mob that spawns in the Sanctified Earth Monastery.

Adventure Completion:

  • In Search of the Shard: Complete the main quest line in Mount Zavain.
  • Map Completion: Walk everywhere on the map to reveal it.
  • Horadic Bestiary: Turn in Bestiary pages and hope they’re for this zone. Completely RNG.
  • Blood Feud: Complete 15 of the Blood Feud events in Hidden Lairs.
  • Mountain Spiders: Complete 15 of the Mountain Spiders events in Hidden Lairs.
  • Shrubbery: Find and inspect 30 shrubberies. (shrubberies respawn about every 15 minutes)
  • Quests of Zavain: Once you’re level 60, blue quests will start to appear. If a quest is unavailable, give it time and it will evenually show up.

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