Monk Builds

The Builds below are based on having Inferno unlocked (P800) for the extra Weapon slots.
If you are just starting out or under paragon, you may not be able to acquire some esscences. If that’s the case, play around with what you have and see if you can make it work for you.
If you have an idea for a Build leave a comment and we may add it.

Learn about the Monk’s Skills, Abilities and Legendaries.

Legendary Gems

  • Free 2 Play – Gems worth using if you’re just starting or not looking to spend.
  • Mixed – Playing for awhile or looking to spend a little. An upgraded list with some 5 Stars.
  • Pay 2 Win – All 5 stars as high as you’re willing to go and Lament.

Feel free to try other Gems if you like them better, got a lucky drop, or want something different.
To lean about Gem properites and the cost of leveling, check out Legendary Gems .

  • Mother’s Lament – 2* Increases Critical Hit Chance, arguably the best two star gem.
  • Pain Clasp – 2* Amazing DPS gem if you’re using skills or gems that give a continuous damage effect.
  • Berserkers Eye – 1* One best damage gems for the price.
  • Everlasting Torment – 1* Gives a DoT when you Crit and can increase your attack speed.
  • Fervant Fang – 2* Acquired from Battle Pass, great single target damage.
  • Power and Command – 2* Alternates Skill and Primary damage, can dispel harmful effects.
  • Ca’arsen’s Invigoration – 1* Incrases Primary Attack.
  • Blessed Pebble – 1* Increases beneficial effect duration, good for buff skills.
  • Mother’s Lament – 2* Increases Critical Hit Chance, arguably the best two star gem.
  • Pain Clasp –  2* Amazing DPS gem if you’re using skills or gems that give a continuous damage effect.
  • Berserkers Eye – 1* One best damage gems for the price.
  • Blood-Soaked Jade – 5* One of the best gems in the game, gives damage and movement speed.
  • Seeping Bile – 5* Attacks can cause a DoT and spread to other enemies if they die.
  • Bottled Hope – 5* Increases damage when you use a buff skill.
  • Fervent Fang – 2* Acquired from Battle Pass, great single target damage.
  • Power and Command –  2* Alternates Skill and Primary damage, can dispel harmful effects.
  • Blood-Soaked Jade – 5* One of the best gems in the game, gives damage and movement speed.
  • Seeping Bile – 5* Attacks can cause a DoT and spread to other enemies if they die.
  • Starfire Shard – 5* Huge damage and knock back.
  • Bottled Hope – 5* Increases damage when you use a buff skill.
  • Gloom Cask – 5* Primary Attacks trigger a ranged attack.
  • Frozen Heart – 5* Gives a shild and can chill enemys. Decent defensive gem.
  • Chip of Stoned Flesh – 5* Extra damage when yuo cause total loss of control.
  • Blessing of the Worthy – 5* Gives a counter attack when taking damage.
  • Mother’s Lament – 2* Increases Critical Hit Chance, arguably the best two star gem.
  • Echoing Shade – 5* Clones that do Primary Attacks.
  • Phoenix Ashes – 5* Gives a cheat death an shield, but has a 3min cooldown.

PvE Openworld Dash Build

  • Skills:
Fists of ThunderShield of ZenWave of LightFlying KickMystic Strike
Mystic Strike
  • Legendaries:
    Head: Pensive Crown
    Shoulders: Shimmerlinn
    Chest: Resounding Soul
    Legs: The Traveling Scold
    Main Hand: Fires of Peace with Order Without Sin
    Off-Hand: Spokes of the Wheel with Twitching Palm
  • Set Items:
    2pc Vithu’s + 4 Gloomguide’s
  • Notes:
    Dash around and kill stuff.
    Second Main Hand can be replaced with whatever you like.

PvE Dungeon Build

  • Skills:
Fists of ThunderWave StrikeInner SanctuaryMystic AlliesMystic Strike
Mystic AlliesMystic Strike
  • Legendaries:
    Head: Empathy’s Blessing
    Shoulders: Feline Defiance
    Chest: Resounding Soul
    Legs: The Traveling Scold
    Main Hand: Sahptev Lamplighter with Unyielding Doctrine
    Off-Hand: Column of Shivers with Twitching Palm
  • Set Items:
    2pc Shal’baas + 4 Vithu’s
  • Notes:
    Primary focused damage

PvP CC Build

  • Skills:
Fists of ThunderShield of ZenCyclone StrikeSeven-Sided StrikeMystic Strike
Mystic Strike
  • Legendaries:
    Head: Purity’s Thought
    Shoulders: Fate Alight
    Chest: Frigid Cyclone
    Legs: Branding Bond
    Main Hand: Intervening Law with One-Sided Strike
    Off-Hand: Reticent Wind with Eye of the Storm
  • Set Items:
    6pc Gloomguide’s
  • Notes:

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