A master of martial arts. Lightning-fast strikes that pummel enemies with a dizzying array of blows and mobility are the Monk’s specialty.

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Offensive StanceDefensive Stance
Upon activation, Critical Hit Chance for Primary Attacks is increased by 20% for 2 seconds. After the initail duration ends, the increase is reduced to 10%
Upon activation, immediately restore 15% of maximum Life. Your healing and shield effefcts are now increased by 20%

Read more about Stances here


Below you will find a list of skills that are available.
Clicking the + will show Legendary Items that augment the effect of the skill.

Primary Skills

Legendary Essence

  • Order Without Sin (Main Hand): The final strike of Fists of Thunder’s full combo now generates a ball of lightning that deals damage continually.

Legendary Essence

  • Peerless Conductor (Main Hand): The third strike of Deadly Reach now knocks enemies up into the air.
  • Arc of the Ascendants (Main Hand): Deadly Reach now also has a 25% chance to make enemies vulnerable, increasing damage taken by 10% for two seconds.

Secondary Skills

Legendary Essence

  • Spokes of the Wheel (Off Hand): Flying Kick also temporarily increases all damage you deal by 10%.
  • Grace’s Bounty (Legs): Flying Kick becomes Spinning Kick, damaging all nearby enemies.
  • Mantle of the Crane (Shoulder): Flying Kick range increased by 20%
  • Momentum’s Flow (Legs): Flying Kick now unleashes a series of kicks at enemies in a direction, with the final kick knocking enemies away.
  • Tiger’s Flight (Legs): Flying Kick now generates a flaming tornado that damages enemies in its path.
  • Salvation’s Sting (Legs): Flying Kick now unleashes a strong kick to a single enemy that knocks them back a large distance. The kicked enemy inflicts a short knockback and deals damage to any other enemies it comes into contact with.
  • Unbound River (Shoulders): Flying Kick deals increased damage to shielded enemies.
  • Divine Burden (Shoulders): When Flying Kick knocks an enemy into a wall, they are Stunned for 2 seconds.
  • Eternally Bound (Pants): Flying Dragon maximum charges increased by 1.
  • Perdition’s Envoy (Pants): Flying Kick now launches a flaming spirit that damages and Burns enemies along its blazing path.

Legendary Essence

  • Dragon’s Indignation (Main Hand): Seven-Sided Strike now also continually Burns enemies.
  • Ice Upon the Blossom (Main Hand): Seven-Sided Strike turns to Ice damage with Chilling effect.
  • Spirit’s Reach (Main Hand): Seven-Sided Strike now places a runic circle inside which all enemies will be struck by your spirit allies.
  • Breath of Incense (Chest): Seven-Sided Strike can now trigger the Exploding Palm explosion when it kills Bleeding enemies.
  • Discipline’s Weight (Shoulder): Seven-Sided Strike damage increased by 10%.
  • The First Wind (Shoulder): Each hit of Seven-Sided Strike also temporarily decreases all damage you take by 3.5%, stacking up to 7 times.
  • Pugilist’s Presence (Main Hand): Seven-Sided Strike now attacks repeatedly in the same direction, knocking back the enemy each time.
  • Tenebrous Grasp (Main Hand): Seven-Sided Strike now causes your Primary Attacks to conjure a spirit ally to unleash a powerful strike on your target, damaging any enemies within its path.

Legendary Essence

  • Eye of the Storm (Off Hand): Cyclone radius increases by 20%
    Path of the Storm (Legs): Cyclone Strike also temporarily decreases all damage you take by 20%.
  • Storm Spirit (Chest): Cyclone Strike now generates a powerful tornado that continually damages all nearby enemies.
  • Tempest’s Heart (Chest): Cyclone Strike now causes you to become a vortex that pulls in enemies and then detonates, damaging and knocking away all nearby enemies.
  • Typhlot Robe (Chest): Cyclone Strike now creates a sandstorm that reduces enemy vision and deals damage.
  • Winter’s Embrace (Chest): Cyclone Strike is now empowered with icy wind, dealing damage while pulling in nearby enemies to Freeze them, but it can no longer be charged.
  • Balance in Moderation (Chest): Cyclone Strike now creates a torrent of mystic wind around you, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • Power of Undulation (Off Hand): Wave Strike now continually channels energy waves forward.
  • Roar of the Sea (Off Hand): Wave Strike now quickly gathers energy and generates Wave Explosion.
  • Unshakeable Weight (Main Hand): Wave Strike range increased by 20%
  • Resounding Soul (Chest): Wave Strike damage increased by 10%.
  • Rattling Arm (Off-Hand): Wave Strike turns into a pneumatic ball that pulls in and continuously damages enemies.
  • Leering Riptide (Off-Hand): Wave Strike now sends a shockwave into the ground that knocks nearby enemies up into the air, damaging and Stunning them.
  • Ordered Obsidian (Chest): Wave Strike now deals 20% increased damage to enemies suffering loss of control.
  • Willbillow (Off-Hand): Wave Strike now instantly unleashes a large blast of energy that damages enemies within the area.
  • Column of Shivers (Off-Hand): Wave Strike now causes your Primary Attacks to unleash an explosion, damaging nearby enemies.
  • Howling Gouge (Off Hand): Wave Strike now fires piercing air blades that damage and knock back enemies.
  • Robe of Many Suns (Chest): Wave Strike deals more damage the farther you are from your target, up to a maximum of 40%.

Legendary Essence

  • Ascending Raincloud (Shoulders): After using Mystic Strike, your Evasion Rating increases by X% for Y seconds.
  • The Traveling Scold (Legs): Mystic Strike now causes you to charge to a targeted location, knocking up and damaging all nearby enemies.
  • Fate Alight (Shoulders): Mystic Strike also causes your next skill used within four seconds to deal 30% increased damage.
  • Gergel’s Familiarity (Pants): Mystic Strike now conjures a spirit ally to charge forward, damaging and slowing enemies in its path.
  • Feline Defiance (Shoulders): Mystic Strike now also increases your Primary Attack Speed by 30% for 4 seconds.
  • Reticent Wind (Off-Hand): Mystic Strike causes you to become invisible for 3 seconds.
  • Harsh Truth (Off Hand): Mystic Strike charges increased by 1.
  • Lingering Incense (Pants): Mystic Strike now throws soul energy dealing damage when it hits an enemy and summoning a Phantom to continuously attack the enemy.

Legendary Essence

  • Reaching Rebuke (Off Hand): Exploding Palm now launches you at a location and strikes that area with a giant palm as you land, damaging all nearby enemies, but its cooldown is inreased.
  • Scolding Storm (Off Hand): Exploding Palm is now icy and inflicts Chill.
  • Crippling Insight (Head): Maximum charges of Exploding Palm increased by 1.
  • Numb Realization (Head): Exploding Palm Bleed effect now has a X% chance to be detonated by other attacks.
  • Last Leveler (Head): Dealing damage to enemies afflicted by Exploding Palm can increase its remaining duration by 0.5 seconds, up to a maximum of 4 seconds.
  • Blind Focus (Helm): Exploding Palm now also increases your damage by 10% for 4 seconds.
  • Obstruction of Omniscience (Off-Hand): Exploding Palm now dashes forward Burning enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • Fires of Peace (Main Hand): Shield of Zen doesn’t shield you anymore, but periodically deals damage to nearby enemies.
  • Intervening Law (Main Hand): Shield of Zen now causes you to charge to a target location, granting you and all nearby allies a shield that absorbs damage.
  • Enlightenment’s Blessing (Chest): During Shield of Zen, your movement speed is increased by 25% and you can move unhindered through enemies.
  • Purity’s Thought (Head): Shield of Zen now also dispels a harmful effect from the target.
  • Calefaction (Main Hand): Shield of Zen now protects you or an ally with a shield of flames that absorbs damage and also deals damages to nearby enemies, but it no longer provides immunity to loss of control effects
  • Kindled Unity (Main Hand) – Shield of Zen now attaches Fire Blessings to you and your allies, allowing your Primary Attack to ignite enemies.
  • Ease and Clarity (Chest) – Gaining Shield of Zen increases the Movement Speed of you and your allies by 40% for 4 seconds.

Legendary Essence

  • Respite’s Sigh (Off Hand): Inner Sanctuary duration increased by 30%
  • Disciplined Respite (Chest): Inner Sanctuary cooldown decreased by 15%
  • Empathy’s Blessing (Head): Inner Sanctuary is now Blessed Sanctuary, increasing all damage done by you and your allies while within the circle.
  • Judgment’s Watch (Head): Inner Sanctuary now continually damages all enemies within it, but no longer protects you or your allies.
  • Solace of the Peaks (Head): Inner Sanctuary becomes a chilling circle, continually damaging and Chilling enemies within it, but not longer protecting you and your allies.
  • Tranquility’s Gaze (Head): Inner Sanctuary now Stuns and damages enemies that enter or exit the circle, but no longer protects you or your allies.
  • Unsightly Method (Head): Inner Sanctuary now inflicts a stacking Slow on enemies in the area until they are Petrified.
  • Bell of Sorrow (Head): Inner Sanctuary now forms a spiritual sphere, greatly reducing the Movement Speed of enemies and preventing Dash skills from being used while within the sphere.
  • Chimes at Midnight (Chest): Inner Sanctuary now also grants immunity to knockbacks to allies within the area.
  • Falcon’s Dive (Chest): Inner Sanctuary’s range is increased by 20%.
  • Neckbreaker (Helm): Inner Sanctuary now increases Movement Speed and Primary Attack damage for the player and their summons.
  • Thrumming Ferocity (Offhand) – Within Inner Sanctuary, you and your allies deal 8% more damage.
  • Roving Sanctuary (Head) – Inner Sanctuary now moves with you, increasing your Critical Hit Chance and that of your allies. Every nearby ally increases Critical Hit Chance Further.

Legendary Essence

  • Chastising Radiance (Legs): Wave of Light damage increased by 10%
  • Harmony’s Song (Chest): Wave of Light range increased by 20%.
  • Heaven’s Bonds (Shoulder): Wave of Light now drops a golden bell from the sky, immobilizing all enemies in the area.
  • Radiant Sun (Shoulder): Wave of Light now summons an Echo Bell, inflicting continuous damage on all nearby enemies.
  • Desert Striders (Pants): Each time Wave of Light deals damage to an enemy within 2 seconds, its damage against that enemy is increased by 3%, up to 30%.
  • Shoulders of Vylnas (Shoulders): Wave of Light now becomes Channeled, dropping a golden bell in front of you that you repeatedly strike, damaging all nearby enemies.
  • Dark Cover (Shoulders): Wave of Light now protects you and surrounding allies with a large Golden Bell, receiving damage while active creates a wave of damage to surrounding enemies.
  • Sonorous Prayer (Shoulders) – Wave of Light now attaches a bell to you and nearby allies which continually resounds with bursts of damage.

Legendary Essence

  • Freedom’s Gale (Shoulder): Imprisoned Fist now knocks surrounding enemies into the air and Stuns them, but no longer Immobilizes.
  • Isolation’s Path (Legs): Imprisoned Fist maximum charges increased by 1.
  • Rising Tide (Shoulder): Imprisoned Fist now causes you to leap through the air with electricity, damaging and Immobilizing nearby enemies where you land.
  • Endless Trial (Shoulders): Imprisoned Fist now continuously launches punches in a direction you can change while channeling. Using Imprisoned Fist will slowly consume its energy, which will recover while Imprisoned Fist is not in use.
  • Restrained Devastation (Pants) – Imprisoned Fist destroys enemy armor, increasing the damage they take by 10% for 3 seconds.
  • Gilded Rain (Shoulders): Imprisoned Fist now targets an area, dealing damage and Immobilizing enemies, making them unable to use Dash skills.

Legendary Essence

  • Starving Mosquito (Pants): Flying Dragon damage increased by X% for each enemy hit, up to a maximum increase of Y%.
  • Consuming Trappings (Chest): Flying Dragon now causes you to dash forward, knocking back all enemies along your path and stunning them.
  • Noble’s Path (Chest): Flying Dragon now creates a massive updraft in a targeted area, knocking any enemies in the area up into the air. If Flying Dragon is activated again after hitting enemies, you will teleport to them and deliver a flurry of kicks dealing damage and Stunning them.
  • Vedenin’s Sting (Off-Hand): Flying Dragon now also shatters enemy armor, increasing damage taken by 10% for 3 seconds.

Legendary Essence

  • Rod of Echoes (Main Hand): Mystic Allies cooldown decreased by 15%.
  • Companion’s Melody (Legs): Mystic Allies duration increased by 25%.
  • The Open Mind (Head): Mystic Allies damage increased by 10%.
  • Resurgency (Head): Mystic Allies duration is now increased by 0.4 seconds after defeating an enemy, up to a maximum of four seconds.
  • Gift of Suffering (Pants): Mystic Allies now consumes 10% of your maximum Life to empower the spirits, increasing their Attack and Movement Speed by 20%.
  • Glooming Cove (Head): Mystic Allies summons an additional lesser spirit to fight by your side.
  • Sahptev Lamplighter (Main Hand): Mystic Allies now summons two flaming spirits to fight by your side that cause nearby enemies to Burn.
  • Shatter Spall (Main Hand): Mystic Allies summons two spiritual entities that utilize Soulfire and Wind to attack the enemy.
  • Sunset Soul (Helm): Mystic Allies will Slow enemies they damage, reducing their Movement Speed by 35% for 2 seconds.
  • Windreaver’s Wing (Main Hand): Mystic Allies now summons two spirit allies of wind that fire piercing air blades at enemies.

Legendary Essence

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