HOW TO: Diablo Immortal Multibox / Multiple Clients on PC guide

Open Battlenet launcher

  • Go to settings
    • Enable setting at very bottom – “Allow multiple instances of
    • Click “Done

Open Windows File Explorer (tip: ‘Win button + E’)

  • Navigate to your install and make a shortcut.
    • By default is something like: “C:\Program Files (x86)\\Diablo Immortal” yours may be differnt.
    • Right click ‘Diablo Immortal Launcher.exe
    • Send to > Desktop (create shortcut)
    • Rename this desktop shortcut to something unique. (EX: ‘DI Launcher 1.exe’)
  • Go back to where you have Diablo Immortal installed (C:\Program Files (x86)\ and copy / paste the Diablo Immortal folder.
    • Select the folder, right click copy.
    • Right click on a black area in the folder and select paste.
    • Rename the folder if you would like “Diablo Immortal (2)” or leave it “Diablo Immortal – Copy”
    • Make a copy of the Lanucher thats in the new folder like we did above.
    • Rename this desktop shortcut to something unique. EX: ‘DI Launcher 2.exe

Make a new account.

  • Create a second acccout.
    • You will need another email address for this account useing Gmail, Yahoo, Proton Mail, or any other service you enjoy.