Demon Hunter

A vengeful stalker. Relentless vigilantes that assault from afar, Demon Hunters strike undeterred until their prey is at their mercy.

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Offensive StanceDefensive Stance
Upon activation, Critical Hit Chance for Primary Attacks is increased by 20% for 2 seconds. After the initail duration ends, the increase is reduced to 10%
Upon activation, quickly move forward 5 yeads. Movement Speed is now increased by 10%.

Read more about Stances here


Below you will find a list of skills that are available.
Clicking the + will show Legendary Items that augment the effect of the skill.

Primary Skills

Legendary Essence

  • The Hungerer (Off Hand): Crossbow Shot will now pierce through enemies and strike additional enemies behind.
  • Theory of Retribution (Off Hand): Crossbow Shot now also deals additional damage whenever it hits the same enemy 3 times.
  • Death Appended (Main Hand): Crossbow Shot has a 15% chance of firing an additional shot.

Legendary Essence

  • Hellbinder (Off Hand): Explosive Arrow now also causes enemies to Burn for X damage over 2 seconds.

Secondary Skills

Legendary Essence

  • Daye’s Frightful Persona (Head): Knockback Shot damage increased by 10%.
  • Petahm’s Secret Arsenal (Chest): Knockback Shot becomes empowered with frost, leaving a frozen trail in its path that damages and Chills enemies.
  • Untempered Hatred (Chest): Knockback Shot now fires mortars into the sky that bombard enemies within range.
  • Preferred Instrument (Off-Hand): After using Knockback Shot, your damage is increased by 10% for three seconds.
  • Reverberant Doublet (Chest): Knockback Shot now fires an arrow that Immobilizes enemies.
  • Duplicitous Prophetics (Chest): Knockback Shot damage reduced by 9% and now only fires a knockback effect on the first shot but the knockback distance is now increased from .5 to 2.
  • False Manifesto (Head): After using Knockback Shot, your Primary Attack Speed is increased by 30% for 4 seconds.
  • Antipodal Order (Chest): Knockback Shot now channels a flamethrower that Burns enemies.
  • Gristlegrin (Off-Hand): Knockback Shot deals 20% increased damage to enemies suffering from loss of control.
  • Hatred’s Fulcrum (Chest): Knockback Shot can now be charged, firing a condensed blast of hatred, dealing damage to enemies in its path. Charging longer increases the range and damage.

Legendary Essence

  • Breath of Winter (Main Hand): Multishot now fires frost arrows that damage and Chill enemies.
  • Flamespite (Main Hand): Multishot now fires flaming arrows that damage and Burn enemies.
  • Cowl of Absolute Punishment (Head): Multishot damage increased by 10%.
  • Cowl of Focused Hatred (Head): Multishot fires 4 additional arrows.
  • Hailfire (Shoulder): Multishot also launches 2 homing rockets, each dealing X damage.
  • Pinpoint Overflow (Main Hand): Multishot now fires all arrows in a targeted direction and can strike the same enemy multiple times.
  • Tiresome Rebuke (Main Hand): Multishot now randomly fires either Hatred or Discipline arrows, causing any struck enemies to become Vulnerable or Slowed, respectively. Enemies affected by both effects take additional damage and are Stunned.
  • Hollow Stare (Head) – Multishot damage now increases by 0.5% for every 1% enemy Life lost, up to 30%.
  • Eyes Ablaze (Helm): Multishot causes an explosion when hitting Burning enemies, dealing additional damage to nearby enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • Dreadlands Requital (Main Hand): Rain of Vengeance damage increased by 10%.
  • Bombardment’s Toll (Shoulder): Rain of Vengeance instead summons bomb-dropping shadow beasts that damage and Stun enemies.
  • Hailstone Shoulders (Shoulder): Rain of Vengeance becomes empowered with frost, damaging and Chilling enemies.
  • Skystriker’s Pauldrons (Shoulder): Rain of Vengeance instead summons a flying shadow beast that continually drops bombs in an area.
  • Causticity (Chest): Rain of Vengeance now also corrodes enemy armor, increasing damage taken by 2% for Y seconds, stacking up to five times.
  • Precipitous Execution (Shoulders): Rain of Vengeance now deploys flaming arrows, Burning all enemies in the targeted area.

Legendary Essence

  • Blacktalon (Off Hand): Strafe now continually fires piercing bolts in a direction.
  • Disarray (Off Hand): Strafe instead throws explosive grenades, each damaging all nearby enemies.
  • Turmoil Main (Hand): Strafe also launches homing rockets, each dealing X damage to a nearby enemy.
  • Unrelenting Furor (Main Hand): Strafe duration increased by 35%.
  • Cuirass of the Death Watch (Chest): Strafe damage increased by 10%.
  • Hobbling Deck (Main Hand): Strafe now also litters the ground behind you with caltrops, continually dealing X damage and slowing enemy Movement Speed by Y%.
  • Fallow Farm (Off Hand): Strafe summons a shadow to attack nearby enemies. This can be used up to 2 times.
  • Scattered Discipline (Chest) – Strafe Critical Hit Chance increased by 20% against enemies with less than 50% health.

Legendary Essence

  • Boundless Ingenuity (Head): Maximum charges on Daring Swing increased by 1.
  • Chillwrath Mantle (Shoulder): Daring Swing now fires ice arrows at the ground, forming an icy path that continually damages and Chills.
  • Hawra’s Heave-Under (Head): Daring Swing also increases your Movement Speed by 30% for three seconds.
  • Hangman’s Gambit (Shoulders): Daring Swing now immobilizes any enemies it hits, preventing them from moving or attacking until they take damage again.
  • Scornbeak (Pants): Daring Swing now also increases your Primary Attack Speed by 30% for 4 seconds.
  • Master of Coin (Shoulders): Daring Swing now shoots fire arrows that ignite its path and cause enemies to Burn.

Legendary Essence

  • Bladewings (Shoulder): Knife Trap maximum number of active increased by 2.
  • Helltrapper Cage (Chest): Knife Trap damage increased by 10%.
  • Inescapable Raptor (Legs): Knife Trap becomes Frost Trap, damaging and Chilling enemies when it explodes.
  • Legguards of the Inevitable Inferno (Legs): Knife Trap becomes Immolation Trap, Burning the ground and all nearby enemies when detonated.
  • Plate of Lethal Intent (Chest): Knife Trap arming time decreased by 85%.
  • Scrapdacks (Pants): Knife Trap now scatters multiple mines that will explode when stepped on, but it can no longer have multiple charges.
  • The Potboiler (Pants): Knife Trap now places more durable traps that trigger when you take damage.
  • Shredbank (Shoulders): Knife Trap now deals 20% increased damage to enemies suffering loss of control.
  • False Manifesto (Head): After using Knockback Shot, your Primary Attack Speed is increased by 30% for 4 seconds.
  • Faint-Kiff (Pants): Knife Trap now places a trap filled with hooked chains. When triggered, hooked chains explode from the trap, damaging and pulling all nearby enemies together to Immobilize them.
  • Slink Prangs (Shoulders): Knife Trap explosions also shatter the enemy’s armor, increasing damage taken by 10% for 3 seconds.
  • Dancing in Place (Pants): Knife Trap now becomes a Snare Trap. When triggered, the Snare Trap deals damage to all nearby enemies while also Immobilizing them and preventing the use of Dash skills for 3 seconds.
  • Forest Scream (Shoulders): Knife Trap cooldown decreased by 15%.
  • Waltz on Shattered Glass (Shoulders): When a Knife Trap is triggered near a Sentry, that Sentry gains 30% increased Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

Legendary Essence

  • Chainbolter (Off Hand): Bloody chains now also connect your Sentry turrets, causing X damage every 0.5 seconds to enemies touching them.
  • Nightwarden’s Eye (Off Hand): Sentry damage increased by 10%.
  • Vigilance Main (Hand): Sentry also launches a rocket every 2 attacks, dealing an additional X damage.
  • Watcher’s Salvation (Main Hand): Sentry maximum number of active increased by 1.
  • Frozen Guardian’s Sight (Head): Sentry becomes empowered with frost, damaging and Chilling enemies.
  • Ysil’s Contained Destruction (Head): Sentry now fires mortars that explode to damage all enemies in an area.
  • One’s Own Fusillade (Off-Hand): Sentry attacks mark enemies, increasing the damage you deal to the target by X% for Y seconds.
  • Steel Orchestra (Off-Hand): Being near a Sentry increases your Primary Attack Speed by 10%.
  • Elegant Retribution (Main Hand): Sentry can now upgrade up to 3 times when placed nearby other Sentry, increasing the damage they deal by up to 200% and reducing the damage they take by up to 66.7%.
  • Widow’s Bite (Off-Hand): Sentry now also consumes 5% of your current Life to apply a shield to the Sentry equal to 30% of its maximum Life. While this shield holds the Sentry also deals 10% increased damage.
  • Boar at the Door (Helm): Sentry now summons a shadow arrow tower at the point you designate to attack nearby enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • Embermist Main (Hand): Smoke Screen cooldown decreased by x.
  • AssassinAssassin’s Heritage (Legs): Smoke Screen instead throws an explosive grenade at a location.
  • Darkness’s Embrace (Chest): Smoke Screen now creates thicker, longer-lasting smoke that maintains concealment while you are in it. However, you will be briefly visible each time you attack.
  • JaynJayn’s Silent Retribution (Legs): All your attacks will be Critical Hits for a few seconds after Smoke Screen’s concealment ends.
  • Master Alchemist’s Faulds (Legs): Smoke Screen instead throws a gas bomb at a location, continually damaging all nearby enemies.
  • Suit Mordant (Chest): Smoke Screen now hurls an acid bomb that damages enemies continuously.
  • Tar-Black Rain (Main Hand): Smoke Screen now creates a fog, making you instantly invisible, freeing you from current Crowd Control effects while also making you immune to knockback.
  • Abeyant Pyre (Chest): Smoke Screen now throws firebombs at a target location that Slow and Burn enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • Puncta Obscura (Off-Hand): Impale now also causes enemies to Bleed for X damage over Y seconds.
  • Razorflight (Main Hand): Impale can now be charged, allowing you to throw multiple knives at once.
  • The Excavator (Main Hand): Impale now causes your Primary Attack to also hurl penetrating knives that deal damage to all enemies they pass through.
  • The Second Drawback (Main Hand): Impale now throws a knife that ricochets between enemies multiple times before falling to the ground. Picking up the knife reduces the remaining cooldown of Impale.
  • Fragments of Wrath (Main Hand) – Impale now throws multiple knives forward in an arc.
  • Qullrats’ Dilemma (Offhand) – Impale damage increases the closer the enemy is to you, up to 30%.

Legendary Essence

  • Hunter-Gatherer (Shoulders): Escape now launches X homing rockets at nearby enemies when activated, each dealing Y damage.
  • Decoy’s Guide (Head): Increases Escape maximum charges by X.
  • Live Bait (Shoulders): Escape now causes you to tumble forward and can be activated again for a short time to return to your original location.
  • Secret Safeguard (Legs): Escape now also grants a shield absorbing X damage for Y seconds.
  • Vatro’s Valediction (Head): Escape now also drops a trap that explodes after a short delay, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Best Discretion (Head): Escape’s cooldown is reduced by 1 second each time you take damage, up to a maximum of 3 seconds.
  • Horns of the Hunt (Helm): Escape now also leaves caltrops behind, Slowing and damaging enemies within the area while also preventing the use of Dash skills.
  • Chittering Greaves (Pants) – Escape increases Critical Hit Chance by 10% for 3 seconds.
  • Escalating Violence (Shoulders) – Escape now lunges forward, damaging and Slowing enemies in its path.

Legendary Essence

  • Shredder Vane (Off-Hand): Spinning Chakram damage increased by 16%, charges increased by 1.
  • Shadowstalker’s Spaulders (Shoulder): Spinning Chakram maximum charges increased by 1.
  • Slayer’s Breeches (Legs): Enemies hit by Chakram will suffer 4% additional damage if hit again by Chakram within a short time, stacking up to 5 times.
  • Blade Thrower (Off-Hand): Spinning Chakram damage increased by 16%, charges increased by 1.
  • Convergent Moon (Pants): The cooldown of Spinning Chakram is reduced by 0.15 seconds whenever your Primary Attack hits an enemy.
  • Electrum Luna (Off Hand): Spinning Chakram now throws a windwheel blade that drags enemies along its path before spinning in place and exploding.

Legendary Essence

  • Coff’s Unrelenting Fury (Legs): During Vengeance, every 2 Primary attacks will cause you to launch 1 additional rocket that deals X damage to a nearby target.
  • Heart of Vengeance (Chest): Vengeance cooldown decreased by 15%.
  • Vision of the Lost (Head): During Vengeance, each defeated enemy increases the remaining duration of Vengeance by 0.2 seconds, up to a maximum increase of 2.4 seconds.
  • Murdermost (Head): Vengeance now increases your critical strike chance by X% but causes you to lose Y% of your Life every second.
  • Hate Sheath (Chest): Vengeance now fully consumes you, increasing your Primary Attack Speed by 40% for 4 seconds, but you can no longer specifically target enemies.
  • Journey Abundant (Pants): Activating Vengeance also creates a field for 5 seconds allowing you and friendly summons to fire up to one additional bolt every 0.5 seconds, which causes 276 additional damage.
  • Yearling Kiln (Chest): Vengeance summons your inner demon to continuously attack your target, but no longer passively increases your movement speed.

Legendary Essence

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