Dark Wood

Boss List:

  • Shadow Clone: After reaching level 60, an event called Purify the Corruption will appear while in the zone. Each mob killed while in the zone advances the completion of this event. Once you hit 100%, the event will direct you to the Tree of Inifuss (see map), where you can start a battle against your shadow clone. Defeat the shadow clone to complete the event.
  • The Countess: Final boss of the Forgotten Tower dungeon. Complete the dungeon to complete the quest.
  • Blood Rose: The Blood rose spawns around every half hour in the far left corner of the map.
    Avoiding getting sucked in by its pulling attack, else you’ll heal it. Can be extremely difficult with a large when someone doesn’t understand and will repeatedly heal the boss.
  • Zaerhud: A purple respawning boss that appears at the location on the map below.
  • Damned Effigies: Complete 12 of the Damned Effigies events in Hidden Lairs.

Adventure Completion:

  • Blood Resurrection: Complete the main questline in Dark Wood.
  • Map Completion: Walk everywhere on the map to reveal it.
  • Horadic Bestiary: Turn in Bestiary pages and hope they’re for this zone. Completely RNG.
  • Iron Maiden: Complete 15 of the Iron Maiden events in Hidden Lairs.
  • Blood Apparition: At the Fetid Swamp, an event will occur about every 30min -1 hour. Defeat the enemies and seal the crimson bloom.
  • Duskbringer: Defeat Duskbringer. He spawns after you complete the Dark Priest event at the tomb in Lord’s Rest. The event occurs around every 30 minutes.
  • Quests of Dark Wood: Once you’re level 60, blue quests will start to appear. If a quest is unavailable, give it time and it will evenually show up.