A wrathful zealot. Armed with their faith, Crusaders vanquish evil wherever they go, dominating the battlefield through sheer purpose.

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Offensive StanceDefensive Stance
Upon activation, Critical Hit Chance for Skills is increased by 20% for 2 seconds. After the initail duration ends, the increase is reduced to 10%
Upon activation, gain a shield that absorbs damage equal to 30% of yuor maxium Life for 3 seconds. Incoming damahe is now reduced by 10%.

Read more about Stances here


Below you will find a list of skills that are available.
Clicking the + will show Legendary Items that augment the effect of the skill.

Primary Skills

Legendary Essence

  • Gimcrack BucklerOff Hand – While Punish has granted you Hardened Senses, your blocks will trigger an explosion dealing x damage to all nearby allies.
  • Mete Out Mercy (Off-Hand): Punish deals 30% increased damage to enemies suffering total loss of control.
  • Obseverer (Main Hand): Enemies struck by Punish take 10% increased damage from subsequent hits for 2 seconds. This effect stacks up to a maximum of 30%.

Legendary Essence

  • The Bristle – Main Hand – Sacred Fire now also hurls waves of flame, dealing x damage to all enemies in their path.
  • Horn Splitter – Main Hand – Sacred Fire now ignites enemies, Burning them over two seconds.
  • Trial by Fury (Main Hand): Receiving damage from an enemy will cause your next Sacred Fire to detonate on hit, dealing 489 additional damage to nearby enemies.

Secondary Skills

Legendary Essence

  • Bowyer’s Remorse – Off Hand – Spinning Shield now explodes when it strikes an enemy instead of returning, damaging all nearby enemies and knocking them away.
  • Pavise of Ten Wings – Off Hand – Spinning Shield now spirtals around you and does not return.
  • Pouncing Shield – Off Hand – Spinning Shield now bounces between several enemies instead of returning to you.
  • Sinkhole Cross – Off Hand – Spinning Shield hovers at a location, damaging enemies and reducing their movement speed.
  • Springback Chain – Chest – Spinning Shield damage increased by 10%.
  • Adamant Lash (Main Hand): When Spinning Shield hits an Immobilized enemy, it will Stun them for 3 seconds.
  • Ardent Shepherd (Off-Hand): Spinning Shield now hurls 3 electrified shields that Stun enemies they strike for 4 seconds, but no longer return to you. Spinning Shield now has 2 maximum charges.
  • Impregnable Orbit (Offhand) – Spinning Shield now causes three shields to orbit you, dealing damage as they pass through enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • Closing-Jaws – Main Hand – Sweep Attack now pulls all enemies it strikes to you.
  • Karawan’s Catch – Main Hand – Sweep Attack now consumes energy to continually damage all nearby enemies while you move.
  • Longpalm – Main Hand – Sweep Attack now strikes all nearby enemies.
  • Glower of the Recluse – Head – When an enemy is Blinded, Immobilized, or Stunned, your Sweep Attack deals 15% more damage.
  • Suspended Rule – Main Hand – Sweep Attack now throws the flail, forming a cyclone that picks up nearby enemies and carries them away.
  • Cleansweep – Main Hand – Sweep Attack now also causes enemies to Bleed.
  • Zealflair (Head): Sweep Attack damage increased by 10%.

Legendary Essence

  • Bonebearer Off – Hand – Shield Glare now consumes energy to reflect a beam of light that continually damages enemies in a direction, but no longer Blinds enemies.
  • Constant Scrutiny – Off Hand – Shield Glare now Blinds and damages all enemies around you.
  • Redeemer’s Mettle – Head – Shield Glare radius increased by 20%
  • Tactics and Secrets – Legs – Shield Glare damage increased by 10%.
  • Stare of Wroth – Head – Shield Glare now Burns enemies for X damage over Y seconds.
  • Brightsteel Spathe (Off Hand): Shield Glare now surrounds you in protective light that damages and blinds nearby enemies when attacked.
  • Cloister of Misery (Pants): Shield Charge now causes you to leap to a target location, gathering and damaging nearby enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • Air Splitter Main Hand Falling Sword: Falling Sword instead unleashes a shock wave that can be charged up to increase range and damage.
  • Little Lance Main Hand Falling Sword: Falling Sword instead causes you to surge forward with your sword up to three times, damaging all enemies in your path.
  • Proof From on High Main Hand Falling Sword: Falling Sword now chains enemies to a location, and pulls them to you when activated again.
  • Tumult Main Hand Falling Sword: Falling Sword now summons a storm of blades around it, continually damaging all nearby enemies, but can no longer be activated again for movement.
  • Faith Ascendant Shoulder Falling Sword: Deal 10% increased damage for a few seconds after using either stage of Falling Sword.
  • Forgotten Savior – Main Hand – Falling Sword now calls flames from the heavens that Burn enemies.
  • Blade Prison – Main Hand – Falling Sword now calls down five electrified swords in a formation around you that arc, damaging nearby enemies.
  • Fitting Thunderhead – Chest – Falling Sword now also decreases enemy Movement Speed by X% for Y seconds.
  • Akkhan’s Glory – Shoulders – Falling Sword damage increased by 10%.
  • The Unordained (Main Hand): Falling Sword now swings a giant sword into the ground, knocking enemies away and Stunning them for 3 seconds.
  • Incandescence (Main Hand): Falling Sword can now be charged, unleashing a holy blast wave to damage enemies. While charging your Movement Speed is increased and you are also immune to knockback and loss of control effects. The further you travel while charging the attack also increases the damage it deals.
  • Luminous Reign (Main Hand) – Falling Sword now follows you, damaging nearby enemies and reducing their Movement Speed.
  • Alacritous Descent (Shoulders) – Falling Sword cooldown reduced by 15%.
  • Kehjistan Sunrise (Shoulders): Whenever Falling Sword deals damage 3 times, it will call a shaft of light, dealing additional damage.
  • Skull Cracker (Main Hand): Falling Sword now attaches the Mark of the Sword to you and nearby summons, causing swords to continually fall at the location of the marked.

Legendary Essence

  • Besieger – Chest – Draw and Quarter periodically calls down a bombardment for X damage to nearby enemies.
  • Bladed Jambeau – Legs – Draw and Quarter’s mount becomes a fiery steed that Burns the ground and enemies, but no longer drags enemies.
  • Cavalier’s Courtwear – Legs – Draw and Quarter now damages enemies when you run over them and knocks them away, but it no longer drags enemies.
  • Sivket’s Advantage – Shoulder – Draw and Quarter duration increased by 30%
  • SquireSquire’s Trews – Legs – You can now carry a passenger during Draw and Quarter.
  • Flare-to-Mirror – Pants – Draw and Quarter is now electrified, damaging random nearby enemies and Stunning them if they are shocked three times.
  • Hale Pilgrim (Chest): Draw and Quarter now also grants you immunity to knockback effects for 3 seconds.
  • Bygone Eidolon (Pants): Draw and Quarter now causes you to mount your warhorse and Dash forward a short distance knocking back enemies in your path. You can activate Draw and Quarter again while you remain mounted.
  • Commander’s Rally (Chest) – Damage increased by 10% when Draw and Quarter is active.
  • Galloping Brilliance (Pants) – Draw and Quarter now calls a Horse of Light, causing those that stand within its aura to take damage.

Legendary Essence

  • Zaynula’s Last Hymn – Off Hand- Consecration also slows enemy movement by 30%.
  • Fortress Hermetic – Chest – Consecration radius increased by 20%
  • Many-Eyed Aegis – Head – Your Consecration now moves with you.
  • Daybreak – Chest – Consecration now protects you and nearby party members, decreasing damage taken by X%.
  • Desecration’s Reprisal (Off-Hand): Consecration deals 30% increased damage to enemies suffering total loss of control.
  • Crown of Dispassion (Head): Consecration now covers a smaller, targetable area, but will automatically seek nearby enemies.
  • Last Defender (Chest): For every enemy affected by your Consecration you receive heavenly strength, increasing your damage by 2%, up to 10%.
  • Anointed Brimstone (Helm): Consecration now calls intense holy flame that deals damage to yourself and nearby enemies.
  • Gleamthorn Crown (Head) – Consecration now places you in a state of radiance, during which every three attacks causes you to erupt with the Light, dealing damage.

Legendary Essence

  • Barbed Council – Shoulder – Judgment now implodes after a short delay, drawing all nearby enemies to its center, but it no longer Slows movement or Stuns.
  • Cradle of Pebbles – Shoulder – Judgment instead summons a Guardian of Justice to fight for you.
  • Feathermail Coat – Chest – Judgment damage increased by 10%.
  • Heaven Squints – Shoulders – Judgment now conjures a continuous beam of light from the heavens which moves under your control.
  • Objurgation – Shoulders – Judgment now follows you calling down blasts of holy light from the heavens that target random nearby enemies, dealing damage and Slowing them.
  • Vainglory’s Star – Chest – Enemies struck by Judgment are now found wanting, increasing all damage taken by X% for Y seconds.
  • Fenced Meadow (Shoulders): Judgment now marks an area of retribution, dealing continual damage to enemies within. Additionally, enemies in the area suffering from other harmful effects will also be Stunned.

Legendary Essence

  • Arrowkeeper Head – The inspiration from Holy Banner now moves with you.
  • Retribution Ornament Head – Holy Banner is replaced with a holy status that forces all nearby enemies to attack it.
  • Sudden VallationHead – Holy Banner instead plants a holy beacon that continually damages enemies with holy light.
  • The Folly of Zakarum Shoulder – Holy Banner duration increased by 30%.
  • Lustre TitanicOff-Hand – Holy Banner now also reduces continual damage taken by allies by X%.
  • Peer of Sturbend – Off-Hand – Enemies defeated within your Holy Banner extends the remaining duration by X seconds, up to a maximum of Y seconds
  • Arrant Ignition (Head): Holy Banner now mounts a Standard of Flames to your back that bolsters the Primary Attacks of all nearby allies to Burn enemies.
  • Masque of Condemnation (Helm): Holy Banner now rallies you and nearby summons, increasing Attack Speed and Critical Hit Chance.
  • Unholy Wall (Off Hand): Each ally affected by Holy Banner increases the Movement Speed of you and your allies by 15%, up to a maximum of 45%.

Legendary Essence

  • Hungerfire Chiton – Chest – Shield Charge also unleashes a shock wave at its destination, dealing X damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Pillager’s Greaves – Legs – Shield Charge damage increased, and Shield Charge can be charged up to further increase damage.
  • Questor’s Mien – Head – Shield Charge maximum charges increased by 1
  • Shieldswathe – Legs – Shield Charge now charges to a location where it forms a shielded circle that enemies and their projectiles cannot cross.
  • Zerratus HuskHead – Shield Charge now grants you a holy shield while charging that reflects projectiles back at enemies, dealing X damage.
  • Helm of Abrasion – Head – Shield Charge deals X% damage to shielded enemies.
  • Trompdown – Legs – Shield Charge now rushes to a targeted enemy Stunning them and knocking back nearby enemies.
  • Ammonis Cornua – Head – Shield Charge also grants you 10% increased damage for three seconds.
  • Impassible Sanctum (Pants): Shield Charge now raises a holy barricade before you instead of causing you to charge forward. This barricade moves with you, blocks enemy projectiles, and decreases all damage taken from the front by 50%.
  • Censured Trespass (Pants): Shield Charge now slams your shield into the ground, dealing damage and pulling in nearby enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • Pride is BaitHead – Enemies affected by your Sacred Chain are pulled together.
  • Public PenanceShoulder – Sacred Chain now throws frozen chains that deal more damage and do not break from damage, but have a shorter duration.
  • Spine of the Adversary – Shoulder – Sacred Chain now also causes chained enemies to take a percentage of all damage taken by any other chained enemy, but no longer Stuns.
  • Equal PortionsPants – Sacred Chain no longer constrains enemies, instead forming a chain of flames between enemies which Burns other enemies that touch it.
  • Chambers of ExhaustionShoulders – Sacred Chain now Imprisons enemies in a targeted area. Enemies who attempt to leave will be Stunned.
  • Simony’s EndHead – When Sacred Chain ends, it now inflicts damage to all nearby enemies.
  • The Recreant (Shoulder): Sacred Chain now attaches to a single enemy, allowing you to render judgment on their soul. Once condemned, the chains will explode, dealing damage to and Stunning all nearby enemies for 4 seconds.
  • Strict Discipline (Helm): Sacred Chain now also causes the first attack against chained enemies to deal 60% increased damage.

Legendary Essence

  • Iron Suzerain Chest – Condemn now continuously drags enemies toward you.
  • Permanent Reproach – Legs – Condemn radius increased by 20%
  • Torrential RefrainOff-Hand – Condemn now immediately detonates all of its damage on the enemies it hits.
  • BatterhythmOff-Hand – Condemn damage increased by X% for every enemy hit, up to a maximum of Y% increased damage.
  • Hard CensureChest – Condemn now calls down a thunderbolt from the heavens to a targeted location, dealing continuous damage.
  • Akarat’s Rebuke – Chest – Condemn now fills your soul with Valor’s Retribution for six seconds, causing every Primary Attack to unleash a lightning bolt at your target, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Blinding Wall – Off-Hand – Condemn also unleashes bright light that Blinds enemies for one seconds.
  • Cuisse of Scorn – Pants – Condemn deals 10% increased damage for each harmful effect the enemy suffers from, up to a maximum of 30%.
  • Gates of Hell (Off-Hand): Condemn deals 20% increase damage to enemies below 50% maximum Life.
  • Heart of Grandeur (Chest): Condemn now conjures a condensed lightning storm that follows you, randomly dealing damage to nearby enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • Inhumed PlateChest – Conjuration of Light lasts longer and protects you and your allies within an area,
  • Justice Without FavorChest – Conjuration of Light surrounds you and your allies with holy fire that continually damages all nearby enemies, but no longer prevents damage.
  • Leggings of the ConsignerLegs – Damage you deal during Conjuration of Light grants you an absorb shield when it expires, equal to x% of all damage you dealt but no more than 20% of your maximum Life.
  • Wind-Blessed PauldronsShoulder – Conjuration of Light duration increased by 30%.
  • Shining AsterShoulders – Increases all damage you deal during Conjuration of Light by X%.
  • InsulatorPants – Conjuration of Light now also reduces the duration of loss of control effects by X%.
  • Radiant Auspex (Shoulders): When Conjuration of Light is activated, it will now also Blind all nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
  • Fenced Meadow (Shoulders): Judgment now marks an area of retribution, dealing continual damage to enemies within. Additionally, enemies in the area suffering from other harmful effects will also be Stunned.
  • Parrying Plates (Chest): Conjuration of Light now grants immunity to Knockbacks and loss of control effects, but it no longer provides immunity to damage.
  • Divine Provocation (Shoulders): Conjuration of Light’s cooldown is reduced by 1 seconds for each attack received while active, triggering up to 4 times.
  • Shelter of Khalim (Chest): Conjuration of light now grants you an absorb shield.
  • Blood-Stained Faith (Chest): Conjuration of Light now calls four bodyguards of light to surround and follow you, slashing enemies with their swords

Legendary Essence

  • Ferrite Roots (Shoulders): Fist of the Heavens’ cooldown is reduced by 20% when you kill an enemy with it and by an additional 20% if you kill a player with it. Cannot occur more often than once per cast.

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