Charms and Skill Stones

Charms are equippable items that add a damage bonus to class skills in Diablo Immortal, unlocking at level 56. This They can be upgraded through salvaging other charms, extracting powers and replacing unwanted ones.

How to get Charms

You can get charms from the Hits Trader for 100 Hitls ( 3 per week under the General tab and sometimes from the Limited Time tab ) from the Battle Pass or Random Events.

Charm Craftman

Over time you’ll accumulate extra charms that you will want to upgrade. Charms can be upgraded from Rank 1 to 5 through the Charms Craftsman. Each level gains another skill for a total of 5.


Salvaging Charms is just like Salvage for gear from the Blacksmith, salvaging unwanted Charms results in 10 Alchemical Powder, that you will need when upgrading charms.


Upgrading a charm costs 20 Alchemical Powder per rank, for a total of 80 to take the charm to Rank 5. Each time it upgrades it adds one random class skill for + 2% Damage.


After sometime you’ll have a few Rank 5 gems, all with random skills. If you would like to beable to add a specific skill to a Charm you have you first will need to extract the charm. This costs 500 Platinum and will turn the Charm in to a Skill Stone.

In addition to making your own Skill Stones, you can also purchase them from the Market.


Imbue allows you to transfer a skill from a Skill Stone to your equipped charm. Selecting Imbue from the Charm Craftsman’s menu will show your equipped Charm and its current skills. You select the skill you would like to replace then pick the Skill Stone that has a skill you would like to Imbue to your Charm. Skills for your class are in purple, skills for other classes are in gray. If you happen to already have the skill it will be gray and say obtained.

You have a 20% chance of getting a skill but you can incraese this by using a Skill Stone with skills you have since it will skip them unless you are trying to upgrade them.

In the example below we have Undying Rage selected and we want to try and get Lacerate on the Charm. We already have Whirlwind so there are only 4 skills it will roll from rather then 5 giving us a 25% chance to get Lacerate.

Using the same stone if we pick Strafe, the Skill Stone says we already have Whirlwind and Undrying Rage so it will only pick from the 3 we dont have, giving us a 33.3% of getting Lacerate.

Percent Bonuses

When you Imbue a skill you also have a change of increasing the skill bonuses of Charms from 2% to as high as 10%.

Skill Bonus %Probability
2% Bonus74.8% Chance
4% Bonus19.5% Chance
6% Bonus4% Chance
8% Bonus1% Chance
10% Bonus0.7% Chance