A savage wanderer. Survivors of the disaster that struck Mount Arreat, Barbarians use brutal attacks to crush any opposition. Here you will find a breakdown of the Barbarian’s skills, legendary items and builds.

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Offensive StanceDefensive Stance
Upon activation, Primary Attck Speed is increased by 20% for 3 seconds. After the initail duration ends, the increas is reduced to 10%
Upon activation, gain a shield that absorbs damage equal to 30% of yuor maxium Life for 3 seconds. Incoming damahe is now reduced by 10%

Read more about Stances here


Below you will find a list of skills that are available.
Clicking the + will show Legendary Items that augment the effect of the skill.

Primary Skills

Legendary Essence

  • Rending Bite Main Hand – Lacerate now inflicts Bleeding that deals X damage over 3 seconds.
  • Ardent Fervor (Main Hand): Lacerate’s Attack Speed is increased by 35% for 2 seconds each time you take damage.
  • Broken Ire (Chest): Your Primary Attacks now increase the remaining duration of Sunder on enemies they strike by 1 second, up to maximum of 3 seconds.

Legendary Essence

  • The Maddening Main Hand – Movement speed increased by 15% while Frenzy is at its maximum stacks.
  • Lunatic Twin Main Hand – When Frenzy is fully stacked, each attack unleashes X damage to all enemies in front of you. Cannot occur more often than once every Y seconds.
  • Riddlerue (Main Hand): When Frenzy deals a Critical Hit, your Primary Attack Speed is increased by 50% for 2 seconds.
  • Broken Ire (Chest): Your Primary Attacks now increase the remaining duration of Sunder on enemies they strike by 1 second, up to maximum of 3 seconds.

Secondary Skills

Legendary Essence

  • Flesh Splitter Off Hand – Cleave damage increased by 10%.
  • SvotSvot’s Reach Main Hand – Cleave now strikes in a full circle around you.
  • Virulent Fist Off Hand – Enemies killed by Cleave will explode, inflicting X damage on all nearby enemies.
  • Hatred’s Reach Shoulder – Cleave range increased by 20%.
  • Bloodguzzle (Shoulders): Each time Cleave deals damage to an enemy within 2 seconds, its damage against that enemy is increased by 10%, up to 30%.
  • Lurker’s Last Chance (Main Hand): Cleave now becomes Channeled, damaging all enemies in front of you repeatedly.
  • Axe of the Ray (Main Hand): Cleave now hurls two whirling axes, dealing damage to enemies.
  • Silver Flash (Shoulders): Cleave’s knockback may now affect enemy players, but can only affect the same player once every 2 seconds.
  • Decollater (Main Hand) – Cleave is now a sequence of three attacks that sweep all around you, inflicting Bleed and knocking enemies into the air, but it no longer has multiple charges.
  • Skull Motte (Shoulders) – Cleave tears the enemy’s armor, increasing the damage they take by 10% for 3 seconds.

Legendary Essence

  • Ragecaller Main Hand – Hammer of the Ancients is now also electrified, slowing enemy movement by 50% for 2 seconds.
  • Razorgrip Off Hand – The range and damage of Hammer of the Ancients can now be increased by charging it up.
  • Stonefall Main Hand – Hammer of the Ancients damage increased by 10%.
  • The Forgotten Off Hand – Hammer of the Ancients now throws a giant hammer that damages enemies in its path and knocks them away. Picking up this hammer will reduce the remaining cooldown on Hammer of the Ancients
  • The Remembered Off Hand – Hammer of the Ancients now summons a Spirit of the Ancients who stuns all nearby enemies and then fights beside you for you for a while.
  • Davin’s Legacy Chest – Hammer of the Ancients maximum charges increased by 1.
  • Paste and Powder Off-Hand – Hammer of the Ancients now randomly drops hammers in the targeted area multiple times.
  • Luring Club Main Hand – Hammer of the Ancients damage increased by X% against Stunned enemies.
  • The Startler Off-Hand – Hammer of the Ancients now strikes the ground multiple times, knocking enemies up into the air with each strike, but your movement speed is greatly decreased during the assault.
  • Peace and Quietus (Off-Hand): Hammer of the Ancients now can be dropped at a targeted location and when activated again, you and the hammer rush toward each other, gathering any enemies in between together.
  • Truss of Stolen Skin (Chest): After using Hammer of the Ancients, your Attack Speed and Movement Speed are increased by 20% for 4 seconds.
  • Breaker’s Wheel (Off-Hand): Hammer of the Ancients now creates a barrier of earth that prevents enemies from entering or exiting the area it strikes.
  • Beggar’s Mallet (Off-Hand): Hammer of the Ancients now throws a whirling hammer that returns to you, dealing damage to enemies in its path.
  • Scallop Shell Armor (Chest): Hammer of the Ancients deals additional damage to enemies the further away they are.
  • The Last Wail (Off Hand) – Hammer of the Ancients now smashes into the ground leaving an unstable area that erupts with additional damage after a brief delay.
  • Renitent Rage (Chest) – For every negative condition an enemy has, Hammer of the Ancients damage is increased by 8%, up to 32%.

Legendary Essence

  • Obin’s Many Fingers Off Hand – Chained Spear hurls 2 additional spears.
  • Charred Iron Chest – Chained Spear now hurls a flaming spear that damages all enemies in its path and leaves a Burning trail.
  • Cracklefell Chest – Chained Spear now hurls an electrified spear that damages and immobilizes all enemies in its path.
  • Crusher Rig Chest – Chained Spear now hurls giant rocks, inflicting damage on all enemies in its path.
  • Impaler’s Breath Chest – Chain Spear now hurls a harpoon that knocks enemies away, damaging and Stunning them.
  • Steel Lamprey Off-Hand – Chained Spear now marks enemies for X seconds and heals you for Y% of the damage it causes to marked enemies.
  • Scalesunder Pants – Chained Spear now also shatters armor, increasing all damage enemies take by X% for Y seconds.
  • Temple of Battle Chest – Chained Spear now sweeps spears from the left and the right, gathering all enemies within the area into a cluster in front of you.
  • Hearth Hook (Chest): Chain Spear now throws a piercing spear that deals damage over time and causes enemies to Bleed, which can stack. Spears can be thrown up to 2 times.
  • Tempo Change (Pants): Chained Spear charges increased by 1.

Legendary Essence

  • Eager Maelstrom Main Hand – Whirlwind radius increased, but Whirlwind movement speed decreased.
  • North Wind Main Hand – Whirlwind now also inflics a stacking Chill.
  • Ferocious Gale Chest – Whirlwind occasionally throws out tornadoes that deal X damage to any enemies they strike.
  • The Gathering Chest – Whirlwind pulls in all enemies it damages.
  • Ydama’s Cyclone Shoulder – Whirlwind damage increased by 10%.
  • Five Fresh Claws Chest – Whirlwind now shreds armor, increasing all damage enemies take by X%, stacking up to five times.
  • Wreckfall Shoulders – Whirlwind also reduces all damage you take by X% while channeling.
  • Manifold Gore (Chest): Whirlwind damage increased by 10% for each Bleed on the enemy, up to a maximum of 30%.
  • Bitterwind (Main Hand): Whirlwind now draws on the power of the wind to deal increased damage, while no longer reducing your Movement Speed.
  • Lonecastle Shoulders – Chance to block projectiles is increased by X% during Whirlwind.
  • Ox’s Horns (Shoulders): When Whirlwind hits the same target 3 times, it tears it apart, causing 554 damage per second for up to 2.5 seconds.
  • Fallow Field (Main Hand): Whirlwind now consumes Life instead of energy, allowing you to maintain your Whirlwind as long as blood still flows in your veins.
  • Indignant Survivor (Chest): Each time you are attacked, the Critical Hit Chance of Whirlwind is increased by 6% for 2 seconds, up to a maximum of 18%.

Legendary Essence

  • Broken Grasp Shoulder – Sprint also increases your dodge chance by 20%.
  • Hell’s Legacy Shoulder – Sprint also leaves a trail of flames, dealing damage to enemies over 4 seconds.
  • Juggernaut’s Plan Legs – Sprint now causes you to run continuously, knocking away and damaging enemies in your path.
  • Second Breath Head – Sprint duration increased by 30%.
  • Spiritbreaker Head – Sprint also leaves tornados in your path that deal X damage to any enemies they strike.
  • Swiftwing Legs – Sprint now also increases movement speed of nearby allies.
  • Routfinder (Shoulders): Sprint leaves a wind tunnel in your wake, allowing allies to pass through it to gain 30% increased Movement Speed for 2 seconds.
  • Oustlak Helmet (Head): While Sprint is active, your skills with projectile attacks are empowered with wind allowing them to trigger Firestorm and deal 20% increased damage.

Legendary Essence

  • Determination Legs – Furious Charge can now be charged up to increase range and damage.
  • Screaming Fury Legs – Furious Charge now charges to a location, damaging all nearby enemies and knocking them into the air. Also increases maximum charges to 2.
  • Tracker’s Rage Chest – All damage you deal is increased by 10% after activating Furious Charge.
  • Armor Caste Chest – Furious Charge creates shock waves when colliding with walls, dealing X damage to nearby enemies and Stunning them for Y seconds.
  • Widow in Waiting (Chest): Furious Charge now also reduces enemy Movement Speed by 40% for 4 seconds.
  • Ram’s Impasse (Pants): Furious Charge now causes you to drag enemies with you, but its maximum charges are now two.

Legendary Essence

  • Sellena’s Iron Main Hand – Leap causes the ground to shake where you land, dealing X damage to all enemies in the area over 3 seconds.
  • Animal Instinct Shoulder – Leap can now charge up to increase range and damage.
  • Howler’s Lift Legs – Leap damage increased by 10%.
  • Kar’s Defiance Legs – Leap also grants you a shield that absorbs X damage.
  • Shocking Chaos Shoulder – Leap is now electrified, Stunning all nearby enemies where you land.
  • Haughty Behemoth Pants – Leap now knocks enemies into the air when you land.
  • Metal o’ Mine (Pants) – After using Leap, your damage is increased by 10% for 4 seconds.
  • Cliff Divers (Pants): Activating Leap increases your Critical Hit Chance by 10% for 3 seconds.

Legendary Essence

  • Dishonored Blade Off Hand – Demoralize duration increased by 30%.
  • Battlemaster’s Helm Head – Demoralize is replaced with a war cry that increases all damage you and nearby allies inflict
  • Bestial Threat Head – Demoralize is replaced with a terrifying roar that damages all nearby enemies and Immobilizes them
  • Impending Slaughter Head – Demoralize is replaced with an intimidating shout that damages nearby enemies and decreases attack and movement speed.
  • Visage of the Living Ancients (Head): Demoralize now calls on the power of an Ancient to charge toward you from a targeted location, bringing any enemies in its path to you.
  • Yowl of Execration (Head): Demoralizing Roar now unleashes a primal roar that knocks back and damages enemies. Enemies knocked back into walls are also Stunned for 3 seconds.
  • Heartless Terror (Helm): Demoralize now unleashes a roar that damages nearby enemies, while also making you immune to loss of control and knockbacks.
  • Lion’s Mane (Main Hand): Demoralize now also detonates the wounds of nearby
  • Spartusk (Head) – Demoralize now pulls in all nearby enemies, damaging and Stunning them.
  • Pot Metal (Helm): Demoralize is now Ancestral Protector, granting you an absorb shield that makes you immune to knockback effects while active.

Legendary Essence

  • Rockspike Legs – Ground Stomp now affects all nearby enemies and can be charged to increase range and damage.
  • Shattered Ground Legs – Ground Stomp now produces an earthquake, continually damaging enemies in the area but no longer stunning them.
  • Weighted Brow Head – Ground Stomp range increased by 20%.
  • Compromise is Loss Pants – Ground Stomp now rips open the ground, dealing damage to enemies in front of you. Maximum X charges.
  • Splitting Outbreak (Head) – Ground Stomp maximum charges increased by X.
  • Dauntless Temper (Pants): Ground Stomp now calls on the power of an Ancient to appear and periodically stomp the ground around you.
  • Indiscriminate Heat (Pants): Ground Stomp now also causes lava to erupt from the ground after a short delay, damaging and Stunning enemies.
  • Chitinous Greaves (Pants): Ground Stomp now unleashes the fury within you, Burning enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • The Trembling Head – Undying Rage also increases your Movement Speed by X%.
  • Grinning Effigy Head – Taking damage during Undying Rage now triggers a counterattack for X damage to all nearby enemies. Cannot occur more often than once every Y seconds.

Legendary Essence

  • The Hewer Main Hand – Grab now causes you to charge forward and grab the first enemy you hit. If you successfully grab an enemy, you will carry them for a short distance, damaging enemies you run though, before leaping into the air and slamming them into the ground, damaging and Slowing nearby enemies.

Legendary Essence

  • Broken Soul Off Hand– Wrath of the Berserker now increases Critical Hit Chance instead of Attack Speed.
  • Berserker’s Sanity Head – Wrath of the Berserker now also dispels effects which cause loss of control of your character.
  • Lasting Hate Head – Wrath of the Berserker duration increased by 30%.
  • The Coming Storm Shoulder – Wrath of the Berserker cooldown decreased by 15%.
  • Doom of the Cowed Shoulders – Activating Wrath of the Berserker now immediately reduces the Movement Speed of all nearby enemies by X%.
  • Horns of Harrogath (Head): During Wrath of the Berserker, slaying enemies increases your damage dealt by 1% for six seconds, up to a maximum of 10%.
  • Loathsome Lamina (Shoulders): Wrath of the Berserker also grants you a shield that absorbs damage.
  • Sundered Legacy (Off-Hand): Wrath of the Berserker now causes nearby enemies to Burn.
  • Bergbreaker (Off-Hand): Wrath of the Berserker now causes you to retaliate, dealing damage to nearby enemies when you are attacked.
  • Brace of the Ancestors (Helm): Wrath of the Berserker now also causes your Primary Attack to deal 100% of the damage done to nearby enemies.
  • Nature’s Temper (Shoulders): Wrath of the Berserker now also causes your Primary Attack to consume your Life, dealing additional damage with each strike.
  • Falling Thunder (Off Hand): Wrath of the Berserker now enrages you when nearby enemies are Bleeding, increasing damage by 15%.
  • Ramshackle Fight (Shoulders): During Wrath of the Berserker, each Critical Hit will reduce its cooldown by 0.3 seconds, up to a maximum of 1.8 seconds.
  • Roar of Persuasion (Off Hand): Wrath of the Berserker no longer increases Attack and Movement Speed, instead it now increases Critical Hit Damage and gives you Life Drain.

Legendary Essence

  • Trail of Mourning (Pants): Sunder now also pulls enemies to you.

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