Vanquish the Darkness in Legions of Horror

Since our last content update, players unshackled themselves in the Iron Gambit Battle Pass, slew through Survivor’s Bane, and showered themselves in rewards from the new Event Center cycle. This content update introduces the Legions of Horror limited-time event, new Five-Star Legendary Gem, a new Familiar, New Legendary Affixes, and more.

As with previous content updates, there will be server maintenance starting on April 23, from 5 p.m.–7 p.m. PST for Oceania, China, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe servers, and on April 24, from 1 a.m.–3 a.m. PST for servers in the Americas. After the maintenance has concluded, all items mentioned below will be live—specific dates for any content going live afterward are provided below.


New Legendary Gem: Hilt of Many Realms

Legions of Horror Limited-Time Event

New Legendary Weapons

New Familiar: Bramblestalker

New Legendary Affixes & Class Balance

The Mad King Phantom Market

Returning Events

Feature Updates

Region-Specific Game Additions

Bug Fixes


What’s better than having one sword? How about five swords, summoned from thin air to strike down the dark abominations swarming at your feet. No sheath may bind it, no shield may block it, no weapon may sunder it, and no warrior may claim to be its master. The below values for this gem reflect its power at Rank 10:

Hilt of Many Realms (Five-Star Gem): Dealing damage conjures 5 flying swords to follow you for 10 seconds, during which using a skill consumes a flying sword to create a Sword Rain at a random enemy location, dealing 125% base damage +506 to nearby enemies. Conjuring flying swords cannot occur more than once every 20 seconds. Sword Rain has a 50% chance to drop a massive sword, dealing an additional 50% damage to nearby enemies and knocking them airborne.

To unlock the full power of this gem, obtain the following five Resonance Gems:

  • Pain Clasp
  • Cutthroat’s Grin
  • Bloody Reach
  • Bottled Hope
  • Gloom Cask

Modify Your Drop Table

From April 24, 2 a.m.–May 22, 2024, 2:59 a.m. server time, players will have the option to enable a modified drop table for their Legendary Crests when running Elder Rifts. Once enabled, whenever you receive a Five-Star Legendary Gem as a drop, there’s a 50% chance it will be Hilt of Many Realms.

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Legions of Horror taunt you, forcing your hand to try and stop their displays of grisly terror. The ground trembles at the sheer weight of their maleficence.

From April 24, 3 a.m.–May 8, 2024, at 3 a.m. server time, complete daily and weekly tasks for rewards, with each task completed granting coveted Terror Crests. Collecting enough Terror Crests will grant you progress towards milestone rewards. Additionally, completing individual tasks will also grant you gold, scrap, Set items, Telluric Pearls, Legendary Gear, and more.

Daily tasks will refresh at 3a.m. local server time, while weekly tasks will reset at 3 a.m. Wednesday local server time each week.

Earning enough Terror Crests will earn you Rare Crests, Familiar Contracts and Legendary Crests.

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A new arsenal of Legendary Weapons have entered the fray, storing unspoken levels of power. Each contains a new, unique Affix for each class to wield and vanquish demons with no remorse, and has a modified attack that adds energy to each swift strike.

Here are the following Class specific affixes for these Legendary Weapons:

  • Barbarian – Crumblestall: Grab now calls an Ancestral Spirit to hurl a giant mountain, dealing damage and Stunning enemies in a targeted location.
  • Blood Knight – Greeting Shade: Echoing Strikes – Shroud of Night now grants you and nearby allies Echoing Strikes, causing your next several primary attacks to conjure a shadowy apparition to copy the attack.
  • Crusader – Mysteries Above: Falling Sword now impales enemies in a targeted area with heavenly swords, dealing damage and knocking back enemies hit.
  • Demon Hunter – Valepiercer: Impale now unleashes a flurry of blades in a direction, dealing damage to enemies they hit.
  • Monk – Peal of Thunder: Wave of Light now causes you to strike the ground unleashing a shockwave of energy, damaging nearby enemies.
  • Necromancer – Hesitation’s End: Dark Curse now curses enemies in a targeted area causing them to explode and damage all nearby enemies after a short delay.
  • Wizard – Fault in the Foundation: Lightning Nova now randomly calls down arcane lightning in a targeted area, dealing damage and knocking back enemies hit.

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A new beast emerges from the haunted fescue of the woods. The local townsfolk know it for its ability to strike and call it Bramblestalker. What appears as a tiny shrub finds its roots to become a hulking goliath of the forest. Bramblestalker’s Primary Skill plants spores into 3 surrounding enemies which deals damage and binds them based on their available health.

This new Familiar also has the potential to unlock Passive Skills to max out its full potential. Fear this formidable hunter of the forest.

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The Legendary items displayed below can only be obtained in Inferno Difficulty VI and above.


  • Borrowed Might (Main Hand): Cleave now grants you the power of the ancients, periodically conjuring a Spirit of the Ancient to cleave through nearby enemies.
  • Buried Talons (Pants): Chained Spear also increases your damage.
  • Clattersteel (Off Hand): Hammer of the Ancients now rains hammers from the sky at your current location, damaging enemies within the area.
  • Law of the Wild (Shoulders): Cleave deals 25% increased damage to Slowed enemies.
  • Hunter’s Sight (Head): While Sprinting, your Critical Hit chance increases by 10%.
  • Shackled Fate (Chest): Chained Spear now conjures a Spirit of the Ancients for a short time, that repeatedly casts Chained Spear, damaging, Slowing and pulling in nearby enemies.

Blood Knight

  • Bramble Nest (Shoulders): Swarm of Bats now unleashes a crimson tide of bats that wash through enemies, dealing damage and causing them to Bleed. The bats will frenzy and latch on to already Bleeding enemies, dealing additional damage over time while also Slowing them.
  • Carmine Advance (Main Hand): Skewer now causes you to Dash forward, damaging and dragging enemies along your path, Immobilizing them at your destination. Enemies struck by Skewer while Immobilized will be Stunned.
  • Cracked Spirit (Chest): Shroud of Night now grants you Echoing Nightmare, causing some of your skills to conjure a shadowy apparition to duplicate the skill cast after a short delay.
  • Ruinous Visage (Helm): While Shroud of Night is active, your damage is increased.
  • Silenced Screams (Pants): Swarm of Bats also causes enemies hit to languish in pain, increasing their chances of being Critically Hit.
  • Umbral Bud (Off Hand): Umbral Lance now hurls a crimson spear that damages and causes enemies to Bleed. Enemies struck by Umbral Lance while Bleeding will explode dealing additional damage to nearby enemies.


  • Iron Faith (Helm): Sweep Attack has a chance to stun the enemy, lasting 1.5 seconds. It will only take effect once on the same target within 4 seconds.
  • Harras of the Steppes (Pants): Draw and Quarter now calls a swiftwind steed for you to ride, increasing your Primary Attack Speed. Additionally, your steed will leave behind gusts of wind that increase the Movement Speed for your allies.
  • Ornate Verdict (Chest): When Judgment damages an enemy it also increases your Primary Attack Speed for 3 seconds, stacking up to a maximum number of times.
  • Remonstrant Mace (Main Hand): Sweep Attack now grants you a Holy Flail for a short duration, causing your Primary Attack to sweep through enemies in a wide arc.
  • Resplendent Mane (Off Hand): Sacred Fire also increases your Primary Attack Speed, stacking up to a maximum amount.
  • Upturned Gaze (Shoulders): Judgment now grants you an Aura of Judgment, marking nearby enemies with the cross, and Slowing them and causing them to suffer additional damage when struck by your Primary Attack.

Demon Hunter

  • Fangspitter (Main Hand): Multishot now empowers your Primary Attacks to fire Multishots for a short time.
  • Painsower (Off Hand): Strafe now fires your Primary Attacks focused on the nearest enemy.
  • Raptor’s Beak (Helm): Multishot also increases your damage for 3 seconds.
  • Sinful Vigor (Chest): Primary Attacks restore 1.5% of Strafe’s energy.
  • Titan’s Snare (Shoulders): Daring Swing now empowers your Primary Attacks to fire a Binding Rope that ricochets between enemies Immobilizing them.
  • Trampled Hope (Pants): Daring Swing also increases your Attack Speed for 4 seconds.


  • Caged Dragon (Chest): Flying Dragon now unleashes a cyclonic burst around you and your summons, damaging and knocking up nearby enemies.
  • Divine Muster (Main Hand): Mystic Allies now summons four spirit allies to fight by your side, that only use Primary Attacks.
  • Fist of Aranoch (Off Hand): Flying Dragon also increases your damage for each enemy hit, stacking up to 5 times.
  • Malefic Apparition (Helm): Mystic Allies also increase your Critical Hit chance for each spirit ally active, stacking up to 4 times.
  • Resonant Canticle (Shoulders): Wave of Light now unleashes small harmonic bursts around you and your summons.
  • Waxing Steps (Pants): Mystic Allies Primary Attacks also have a chance of summoning an additional spirit ally for 3 seconds.


  • Bleak Augury (Pants): Wraith Form now increases your Movement Speed, allowing you to move unhindered through enemies and generate corpses when you pass through them.
  • Defiling Swarm (Main Hand): Grim Scythe now conjures a whirling scythe that orbits around you, damaging enemies and generating corpses.
  • Departed Appetite (Off Hand): Corpse Lance now consumes nearby corpses to create a vortex of bones surrounding you that damages enemies.
  • Gravehawk (Helm): Corpse Lance deals increased damage each time it strikes the same target within 2 seconds, up to a maximum.
  • Incision Cusp (Shoulders): While Bone Armor is active it also increases your Critical Hit Damage.
  • Unfilled Grave (Chest): Bone Armor now consumes nearby corpses, increasing the damage you deal and reducing the damage you take for each corpse consumed.


  • Apocalypse Root (Pants): Meteor now causes the ground to erupt, damaging and Burning enemies in a targeted area.
  • Blood of the Wind (Off Hand): Arcane Wind deals 20% more damage when igniting a Firestorm.
  • Halcyon Cascade (Chest): After releasing the Meteor, you will be in the Emberlight state for 3 seconds. During this period, the critical hit rate will be increased by 5%, which can be stacked 3 times.
  • Mistral Rend (Main Hand): Arcane Wind now unleashes a condensed arcane vortex that bounces between multiple enemies, damaging and Slowing them. Enemies already Slowed will become Immobilized.
  • Terminus Facade (Helm): Slow Time now causes you to enter a Temporal Flux, causing your non-Channeled skills to reduce the cooldown of your other skills.
  • War Mage Mantle (Shoulders): Disintegrate now launches a small arcane sphere that bounces between multiple enemies, damaging and shattering their armor, increasing the damage they take.

Class Balance Changes


  • Decollater (Cleave): Cooldown reduced from 9 to 6 seconds. Increased the distance moved when using the skill.
  • Beggar’s Mallet (Hammer of the Ancients): Cooldown reduced from 9 to 6 seconds. Damage increased by 38%. Projectile speed increased by 40%.
  • Peace and Quietus (Hammer of the Ancients): Cooldown reduced from 9 to 6 seconds. Thrown hammer will now reach the target location 50% faster. Enemies hit by the second activation (rushing to hammer location) will be Stunned for 3 seconds.
  • Visage of the Living Ancients (Demoralize): Collision radius of the Ancient increased to 2.5 meters. At the end of the Ancient’s charge, affected enemies will be Stunned for 3 seconds.
  • Yowl of Execration (Demoralize): Cooldown reduced from 9 to 6 seconds.

Blood Knight

  • Venerated Closeness (Tendrils of Blood): Cooldown reduced from 9 to 6 seconds.
  • Wightveil (Siphon Blood): Damage bonus per each affected enemy increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Bardiche of Below (Whirling Strike): Cooldown reduced from 9 to 6 seconds.
  • Bloody Concession (Abomination): Bleed damage increased by 50%.
  • The Besalver (Skewer): Cooldown increased from 9 to 10 seconds.
  • Transfusion (Baseline): Shield amount reduced by 15%.


  • Shield Glare (Baseline): Players no longer have to face the crusader to be Blinded.
  • Constant Scrutiny (Shield Glare): Effect radius increased from 4 to 4.5 meters. Players no longer have to face the crusader to be Blinded.
  • Air Splitter (Falling Sword): Fully charged damage increased by 17%.
  • Forgotten Savior (Falling Sword): Cooldown reduced from 9 to 6 seconds. Attack Speed increased by 100%. Slashing damage increased by 12%. Burn damage increased by 20%.
  • Bowyer’s Remorse (Spinning Shield): Cooldown reduced from 12 to 9 seconds. Damage increased by 20%.
  • Strict Discipline (Sacred Chain): Damage bonus increased from 60% to 100%.
  • Helm of Abrasion (Shield Charge): Damage to shielded enemies increased from 450% to 550%.

Demon Hunter

  • Knife Trap (Base Skill), Inescapable Raptor, Faint-Kiff, Legguards of the Inevitable Inferno, Clutching Nails, Dancing in Place: Explosion effects are no longer delayed.
  • Elegant Retribution (Sentry): Bonus damage from a Sentry upgrading has increased at all master levels.
    • Level 2 Sentry bonus damage increased from 170% to 260%.
    • Level 3 Sentry bonus damage increased from 430% to 520%.
    • Other Mastery levels have increased by the same proportion (x1.37).
  • Widow’s Bite (Sentry): Current Life consumed reduced from 5% to 2.5%. Shield amount increased from 30% to 60% of maximum Life.
  • Fragments of Wrath (Impale): Damage increased by 20%. Damage reduction per additional knife hitting the same target reduced from 70% to 50%. Enemies can be damaged by up to 4 knives at once.
  • Hundred Striking Shadows (Multishot): Damage dealt to shielded enemies increased from 450% to 550%.
  • Best Discretion (Escape): Cooldown reduction per instance of damage taken has changed at higher Mastery levels.
    • Level 1: Unchanged.
    • Level 2: Minimum reduced from 1.2 to 1.15 seconds; Maximum reduced from 3.6 to 3.45 seconds.
    • Level 3: Minimum reduced from 1.4 to 1.3 seconds; Maximum reduced from 4.2 to 3.9 seconds.
    • Level 4: Minimum reduced from 1.6 to 1.45 seconds; Maximum reduced from 4.8 to 4.35 seconds.


  • Roar of the Sea (Wave Strike): Damage increased by 30%.
  • Willbillow (Wave Strike): Damage increased by 20%.
  • Unbound River (Flying Kick): Damage to shielded enemies increased from 450% to 550%.
  • Seven-Sided Strike (Baseline): Damage increased by 15%.
  • Dragon’s Indignation (Seven-Side Strike): Damage increased by 15%. Burn damage increased by 15%.
  • Ice Upon the Blossom (Seven-Side Strike): Damage increased by 15%.
  • Pugilist’s Presence (Seven-Side Strike): Damage increased by 15%.
  • Shimmerlinn (Wave of Light): Damage increased by 15%.


  • Greathelm of Deflection (Command Golem): The duration of harmful effects is no longer split equally between you and the golem. Instead, the golem takes 2/3 of the duration. What a nice guy.
  • Bloodless Hierophant (Bone Wall): Damage bonus increased from 40% to 50%.
  • Emperor of Worms (Corpse Lance): The Immobilize effect addtionally prevents the use of Dash skills for its duration.
  • Silvered Wings (Corpse Lance): Base damage of the lance launched by your empowered Primary Attack is increased by 27%. Damage can increase further depending on corpses consumed up to a maximum of +50% at 6 corpses.
  • Soul Levee (Bone Spirits): Cooldown reduced from 9 to 6 seconds. Spirits are now released 50% faster.
  • Drifter’s Fare (Bone Spirits): Cooldown reduced from 12 to 9 seconds.


  • Pernicious Assistant (Disintegrate): Cooldown reduced from 12 to 9 seconds. Damage increased by 14%. Illusion will prioritize targeting Ice Crystal.
  • Waking Invocation (Ray of Frost): Cooldown reduced from 12 to 9 seconds. Illusion will prioritize targeting Ice Crystal.
  • Cold Calculus (Ice Crystal): Cooldown reduced from 15 to 12 seconds. Damage is increased by 44%. The initial tick of damage caused by the ice block now occurs immediately.
  • Iceblood Reliquary (Ice Armor): Damage tick rate increased from 1 to 0.8 seconds. The initial damage tick will now occur immediately upon inflicting an enemy with a frost mark.
  • Manipulator’s Mask (Slow Time): Instead of Incapacitated status (cannot move but can still attack/use skills), the temporal ring now Freezes (cannot move or attack/use skills) enemies in place. Damage will no longer release them from this status. However, the growth of the ring has slowed (to about 5 meters per second), making it possible for those farther from the wizard to get away before being hit. The temporal ring now deals damage.

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Death is no rest for the damned. Before your bones turn to dust, they may take on new life for the most nefarious of purposes. Dole out misery with our newest Phantom Market from April 22, 3 a.m. – January May 22, 2024, at 3 a.m. server time.

Leave your enemies in a trail of ethereal light using the Mad King’s Radiance Glintstep visual effect and illuminate your character’s portrait with the Mad King’s Regalia Nimbus Profile Background. Both cosmetic effects will be yours upon acquiring the Mad King’s Cosmetic Set and can be worn with other Cosmetics. Both the Glintstep and Profile Background will be unusable 30 days after you initially acquire them but will remain in the Cosmetics tab of your inventory. Future Phantom Markets will come with new Ephemeral Treasures, so keep an eye out for those bonuses.

Considering items from the Phantom Market are acquired randomly per draw, we want to provide the initial draw rates for each item to aid in deciding if you would like to engage with the event past your first free draw.

Note: The drop rates provided below are for the first draw only and will adjust to reflect the relative probabilities of the remaining items in the Phantom Market item pool.

  • Let me out Emoji: 60.00%
  • Children of Inarius Violet Weapon Cosmetic: 1.77%
  • Crowned Ones Silver Weapon Cosmetic: 15.63%
  • Mad King’s Regalia Portal: 3.16%
  • Waltz Macabre Crimson Weapon: 15.63%
  • Crowned Ones Silver Armor Cosmetic: 1.14%
  • Children of Inarius Violet Armor Cosmetic: 0.76%
  • Waltz Macabre Crimson Armor Cosmetic: 1.14%
  • Mad King’s Regalia Ultimate: 0.63%
  • Mad King’s Regalia Cosmetic Set: 0.13%

For more information about how the Phantom Market functions, visit this article.

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Trial of the Hordes

You may be experienced, but emerging victorious from the Trial of the Hordes is the true mark of a champion. From April 26, 3 a.m.–May 3, 3 a.m. go head-to-head against another player while earning rewards and climbing your way through the event’s Ranks. Each player has an enclosed lane in which broods of demons will flood in waves—your goal is to cull the demons from Hell with steadfast dedication. For more information about this event, visit this article.

Fractured Plane

In a place like Sanctuary, even those with the utmost mental fortitude can find themselves lost to the unrelenting darkness spread by the Burning Hells. Broken. Shattered. Trapped in the deepest recesses of their mind. Entering the Fractured Plane is the only way forward. This event will run from May 3, 3 a.m.–May 10, 3 a.m. server time. For more information about the Fractured Plane event, please visit this article.


An ancient fighting pit where the Fahiran aristocracy held brutal games has been uncovered in Shassar. Fight tooth and nail May 3, 3 a.m.–May 10, 3 a.m. server time during the Conqueror limited time PvP event to bring honor to your name and riches to your collection. For more information about this event, please visit this article.

Rising Damnation

Nobody is safe from demonic temptation in Sanctuary, not even you, adventurer. They’re omnipresent, inescapable, and waiting to devour your body and soul whole. Damnation is coming!

From April 27 at 3 a.m.–May 4 at 3 a.m. server time, as you complete daily Rising Damnation tasks, you’ll receive various rewards for your heroics. Racking up enough completed tasks will also unlock milestone rewards for you—a testament to your valor.

Hungering Moon

The moon, underfed, demands sustenance… providing you with an upcoming opportunity to sate its seemingly endless appetite for blood!

The moonlit path you’ll take to heed your lunar overlord’s howl is ready to be travelled. Players can complete up to three tasks a day between May 4, 3 a.m.–May 11, 2:59 a.m. server time. For more information about Hungering Moon, please visit this article.

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Shadow Faction Optimization of Faction Settlement Experience

Cycle of Strife score can now be earned from participating in the Shadow War, with wins granting you the most score. The maximum amount of points you can earn is 200.

For Immortals Weekly quests, will be refreshed once it’s been completed – claiming your reward from the mission is no longer necessary.

Battlegrounds Matchmaking Changes

We’ve noticed that in some matchmaking instances, the total strength gap between the matched teams is too large. In this case, if the team that loses is much underpowered than the winning team, some points will be compensated.

Combat Performance Optimization

We’ve optimized the performance of skills, and now when you cast skills and engage in combat, the overall game experience will be a lot smoother.

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Sword x Fairy Collaboration

From time to time, there may be region-specific events that partner with regionally relevant brands, with an aim to deliver exciting experiences for our players that resonate at a cultural level.

Our CN version of Diablo Immortal will receive a Sword & Fairy themed version of the new Familiar, Five-Star Legendary Gem, and Legendary Affix.

Once the collaboration has ended in two week’s time, those CN specific items will become the same version across the world, which is what’s being released in this latest update. Players on the CN version will be able to keep their crossover specific cosmetics from the Phantom Market.

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